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Chapter 4 Hidden Confessions

Word Count: 901    |    Released on: 24/06/2024

of thoughts and emotions. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something significant had changed between him and Ryan. The

he fresh air would clear his mind. The town was quiet, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the empt

t about Ryan, about how much he had come to mean to him in such a short time. Ryan was more than jus

didn’t notice Ryan approachi

. Mind if I

d but pleased to see him.

grin in place. “You okay? You seemed

o put his feelings into words. “

his expression ser

to take a leap of faith. “About u

“I’ve been thinking

yan, I... I think I might have feeling

miled, a slow, warm smile that made Ethan’s heart skip a beat. “I feel t

e let out a breath he hadn’t realiz

ial to me, Ethan. I’ve never fe

, mixed with a touch of nervou

eir fingers intertwining. “We take it one

sense of calm settle o

the ducks and enjoying each other’s presence. For the

back. On the way, they bumped into Sam, who was out for a j

uys. Wh

hen Ryan spoke up. “We were just talking.

eyebrow. “Oh

nervous. “Ryan and I... we have feelings

n’t read his expression. Then Sam broke into a wi

ved laugh. “Thanks, S

“Of course, man. You deserv

hanks, Sam. We

inued their walk, Ethan felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He was grate

é, talked about their dreams, and even sketched together. As the sun began to set, they found themse

Ethan said, leaning his

ng him close. “Yeah, it has. I’m glad

tent. “Me too. I’ve never

r have I. I’m looking forward to whateve

se of excitement for the fu

wash over him. He knew there would be challenges ahead, but with Ryan by

eir relationship would face its share of challenges, but he was ready to face

side, he knew they co

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