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The Price of Privilege: Where Love Knows No Boundaries

Chapter 2 The Proposition

Word Count: 1583    |    Released on: 25/06/2024

mind a whirlwind of anxieties, each more daunting than the last. The weight of the envel

n unwelcome flicker of something altogether more dangerous. Hope. It was a luxury she couldn’t afford, not wi

elied their playful intent: “Dangerous can be intriguing, darling.

e, a monument to ambition that towered over the city like a steel and glass colossus. A

humble beginnings. And besides, what was the worst that could happen? A scathing criti

y surface gleamed with polished indifference, and the hushed conversations spoke of mer

ched his expression a blend of polite inqu

r shifting slightly as if she had somehow defied his expectations, escorted her through a labyrinth o

the polished mahogany a mirror to her reflection

rsonal as the artwork. With a curt nod, he opened the doors, u

. He turned as she entered, and even in the muted light, his presence commanded the room. Gone was the al

ce a low murmur that sent a shiver do

our note was... intriguing, to say the least. I must confe

arm glow of afternoon sunlight. “Please, have a sea

ely cost more than her monthly rent. She accepted the delicate china cup from him, her fingers brushin

said, settling into an armchair across from her. "But I pre

her pulse quickening. “Is th

e. “Time is a valuable commodity, Miss Bellrose. And I

r tea, she met his gaze head-o

The words hung in the air between them, as improbable and out o

hand. "Your… companion?" she managed, certain she’d misheard him. “I believe there’s been

lrose,” he said, his voice dangerously quiet. “But I’m offering you something far more va

ty retort she might have mustered from the pages of her beloved novels. The blood drain

unting medical bills, about the specialist in Boston who offered a

her voice barely a wh

power held in check. He stopped before the window, gazing out at the sprawling ci

e,” he said, his voice devoid of boastfulness. “Information is e

ze – assessing, calculating, and beneath it all, a flicker of something she couldn’t quit

one who can blend in, who can maintain a certain… facade.” He paused as if choosing his n

t happening. It couldn’t be. It was the stuff of gothic romances, of Faustian bargains, not of real life – cer

d, betraying the fear that tightened its g

deceptively calm. “Or is it the o

creaming at her to flee, to create distance between them. But something held her rooted to the spot – the sheer force of his pre

y word resonated with the weight of an edict. “She doesn’t have the luxury of

of hair from her cheek. The touch, featherlight yet

his voice husky with an emotion she

d held her captive. He gestured towards the

f our… arrangement. Think it over, Miss Bellrose. Carefu

d back to the window, his silhouette a dark silhouette against the cityscape, the dying light catching the sharp angles of h

from across the room. He turned, his gaze meeting hers o

urmur that sent a shiver down her spine. “Time waits for n

ng the covers of Sera’s beloved novels. She moved with an effortless grace that spoke of privilege

ver Sera with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

th unspoken tension as Sera found herself caught in a silent, three-w

he spider, she realized with a growing sense of dread,

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