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Chapter 5 A new dawn

Word Count: 2339    |    Released on: 26/06/2024

opulence of the room a stark contrast to Seraphina's current state of mind. Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking against the l

up. "And I haven't set my eyes on Lucien Salvatore. They said this was his house. I’ve already signed

home to see my dad," she whispered, the thought of facing him sending a shiver down h

need to prepare a delicious meal for him. But I don’t know how

ned a white tank top and shorts. "I think I need to try watching YouTube vi

the doorway, feeling a pang of nervousness. Summoning her courage, she stepped inside. "Excu

y," Saraphine announced. The maids exchan

e here to help you," one

project confidence. "Yes,

ok a deep breath and pulled up a cooking tutorial on her phone. "Okay, let’s start with so

wed a chef expertly chopping onions into neat, even pieces. Seraphina frowned, trying

her blunder. Determined, she tried again, this time holding the onion m

her brow. She took a deep breath and watched the video agai

were starting to water from the onion’s strong aroma. "Why does this happen?" she comp

orner, hiding a smile. "Do

aphina insisted, waving her

a small sense of accomplishment, she moved on to the next step: sautéing them in a pan.

rned the knob and set the pan on the burner, adding a splash of oil

herself. She added the chopped onions to the pa

ng with the smell of burning oil. "Is it supposed to smell like

stepped in again. "Maybe you should lower t

Right, lower heat. Got it." She stirred the oni

ecited, pulling them from the fridge. She attempted to chop the garlic, but it proved even more challen

icky?" she asked,

erything together. The mixture began to sizzle, and despite the ch

e bubbling sauce. But as she reached for a spice jar, her phone

e had lost her place in the video. She frantically tried to find the rig

across the counter. "Great," she sighed, scooping up a handful and t

felt a strange sense of satisfaction. She plated the food, gar

said to herself, feeling a small spark of pride. She couldn't wait to see Lucien's rea

ent now, and carried the plate to the dining room, re

with an intimidating aura. Seraphina's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. He was as im

done so much for me. This is the smallest token I can offer to show my gra

ed by her initiative. "You cooked this?"

rying to sound confident. "P

hesitated for a moment before scooping a small portion of the food, S

ock. He quickly spat it out, grabbing a napkin to wipe his mouth. "

embarrassment. "Is it that bad?"

compose himself. "Let's just s

ossing her arms. "I've never cooked before i

owing. "Nice? If this is your idea of nice,

to death on it," she shot back, her tone fierce. "I was just trying t

ink this is a joke? I don't have time for

. "Maybe if you weren't so insufferable, people w

his voice dangerously low. "You ha

phina snapped. "A cold-hearted bastard who woul

floor. "You're testing my patience, Seraphina. This arrangeme

she retorted, refusing to back down. "I may not

urned on his heel and stormed out of the room, leaving Saraphine alone with her half-eaten disaster of a m

f, feeling the sting of tears in her eyes. "

the food away, making a mental note to learn more about cooking before attempting another culinary gesture.

ccents to the intricate marble floors. As she wandered through the halls, she found herself in a grand libr

ingers over the spines of the book

his cold demeanour—it all intrigued her more than she cared to admit. There wa

g. She turned to see Lucien standing at the entrance to the

doing here?"

ng his gaze head-on. "I’m exp

his is my private sanctuar

his hostility. “And why is that? Because

pped. “I have important work to do, an

u’d realize that you could use a distraction n

idating but not enough to make her back down.

ged. “What is it that you do all

replied tersely. “Things

. “Business? Do you mean making deals and brea

ned. “You don’t kno

searching his. “Maybe I want to understand wh

aid, turning away. “Get out of here Seraphina watched him for a moment, her frustration giving way to a determination she hadn’t felt before. “Fine,”

mind. She was a complication he hadn’t anticipated, and despite his be

e had always prided herself on her ability to understand people, to see beneath their masks. But Lu

lf, her resolve hardening. “And when I do, ma

aphine’s defiance, her determination—it was both infuriating and fascinating. He couldn’t a

her words kept echoing in his mind. She had challenged him in a way n

ck in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “What are you doing to

re felt a flicker of something he couldn’t quite n

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