The Quest of the Golden Girl: A Romance
lanatory and apologetic from the Obstacle-how the Major-General had suddenly come home quite unexpectedly and compelled her to explain Nicolete's absence, etc., etc. Dear Obstacle!
ailure, and so, having made the countersign, I was speedily transformed to my old self; and I must say that it was a most comfortable feeling, something like getting back again into an old coat or an old pair of shoes. I never wanted to be young again as long as I lived. Youth was too much like the Sunday clothe
f mind that I came upo
dwarf oak-trees making a rich and plenteous shade. My attention was caught firstly by a bicycle lying carelessly on the turf, and secondly and lastly by a graceful woman's fi
striking feature was an opulent mass of dark red hair, which had fallen in some disorder and made quite a pillow for her head. Her hat was off, lying in its veil by her side, and a cert
t never be left to sleep on there, for
red what had been the mischief. The tire of the front wheel had been pierced, and a great thorn was protruding from the
the tire, having attended ambulance classes, do it very quietly so that she wouldn't hear, like the fairy cobblers
u think of
ion of the sleeper. Her left hand lay gloveless, and of
ing!" I exclaimed inwardly. "Ho