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The General and I

Chapter 5Ā Five

Word Count: 1227 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/07/2024


thout fearing for her life. Yes, I knew what the words out there said about me. It was those exact stories coupled with the fact that I had just taken over her entire village that made me curious about what it was that went through

she was heavenly made. When she first sashayed her petite form out of the drat sack bag she had hid in, I would admit she took me by su

hed they had her pinned under them. My men were an uncontrollable bunch, it is a wonder how I am able to keep them under my command. I

r and get her out of there. I couldn't stand my men leering at her for another minute so I had instructed

shly think you could walk out of here alive?" I asked her when she had f

reasoned for one second that she could b

round breasts as they rose and fell from her breathing.

know who I am

e looked familiar. Even though I was pretty sure I had never met her before. Tho

or you have taken over." She declared and for the second t

he had the exact face, albeit a younger version, of the wife of the former vill

must be very stupid to come here if it was true. How do y

tinue, still poised at

id for coming back here after


I had successfully run away during the fight and had gotten to quite some distance but frankly, running away wi

ily and friends but I have nowhere else to go. Even if I did, I want to stay here where things are familiar to me and I do not need to dist

Her womanly smell wafted to my nose and increased my wanting for her. She was soft in every way tha

aken under your care if you take pity on

s she wanted me to believe. In fact, I suspected that was exactly w

knew even more damage would be done to this place as time went on, to bend how things are carried out here to my liking and to how

e bit. So I decided to p

making sure not to add force behind it. Her flesh was so soft and tender, I wo

she intruded in my strategizing. I sucked on her bottom lip while my hands fondled her breasts under her bodice. I knew she would not

her bottom to draw her even closer into my flesh, I began shifting her dress awa

ps backwards while panting for air,

led a

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