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The Guardians of Bekwai

Chapter 5 At the Enemy's Gate

Word Count: 938    |    Released on: 08/07/2024

ng structure loomed in the distance, a fortress of stone and timber, surrounded by a palisade and guarded by vigilant

copse of trees. Kofi called for a council of war, gathering the leaders of the allied

egan, his eyes scanning the faces of his comrades. "We must know th

surprise, but we must use it wisely. A direct assau

ission, his familiarity with the land and his determination to see his mother and siblings giving him an

to gather as much information as possible. Kofi and his partner, a seasoned hunter named Baako

ng view of the surrounding area. Kofi's sharp eyes spotted several weak points, places where the defenses were thinn

ersations between the guards, snippets of information about the captives and the rituals they were

outs. Each had gathered vital pieces of the puzzle, painting a clearer picture of the enemy's strength and

ghold is well-defended, but not impregnable. There are weak points we can exploit, a

ut resolute. "We should strike just before dawn," Kwame sugges

create a diversion at the main gate, one to scale the palisa

The atmosphere was tense but charged with a sense of purpose. Kofi moved among the warriors, offering w

thick with anticipation, every rustle of leaves and chirp of insects amplified in the stillness

outs and the clash of weapons filled the air as the guards rushed to defend their stronghold. Mea

helping the others up. They moved quickly, dispatching any guards they encountered with precision and silence. The t

ses crumbling under the coordinated attack. Kofi fought with a ferocity fueled by the memories of his father and the promis

r people. Tears of relief and joy flowed as families were reunited, their gratitude palpable

s. The stronghold was in disarray, the once-feared northern warriors now scrambling to defend their crumbling fortre

e was won, but the war was far from over. There would be more challenges ahead, more sacrifices

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