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Word Count: 1299    |    Released on: 09/07/2024




seeing her father, king Lamido looking so worried

my question, what is happening

now that our kingdom is on fîre and I must get y

not what I am thinking father."

warriors and from what I heard, luck is not

to win any wàr. We are capable of dèstroy

shall kîll them all and take over their la

princess who thinks she is as beautiful as I a

d approached her for fr

the boundary of Zuma a

the time felt that the princess of Zum

then, she had been keeping grudges against the pri

ss Rahila shouted, running to get

was also a well trained warrîor who

le, but her father never let her join the warrîors aga

ors are approaching the palace led by their crown prince." A

ded for daring to enter the princess chamber but the ki

trusted servant kado to a safe place right now."

t for myself and I am sure you will be there to protect me too." Princess

daughter safe ignóred all her tantrums as h

er what happens, do not come out of hiding."

ho never begged for anything. When the king w

oód your majesty." Kado promis

it. Take care of yourself and remember that I love you

s scared of wàr. Maybe because he was

st to start a wàr aga

kingdom had ever dared to attàck his,

close to his and they give him informati

ld a kingdom as small as Zuma plan an attàck agaînst hi

tten the chance to assemble his wàrriors

hing about the wàr when he had

eople around you, they will

people were already tired of his cruèlty so the

d as dyîng so they didn't even care as l

ghter. She's all I've got." King

ect her with my life." Kad

e come with you." Pri

he could tell that nothing wa

ppen to her father because she

with you." The king said hurrie

dy in tears, ran to her fathe

down his face. He didn't turn back because

his priceless jewel to remember him

her arms around her father and he left

at me once again." Rahila cried, falling on

must not se

help the princess up, but she pûshed him away róughly ,

even at the

er bîtchy attitude led her into a secret t

was surprised to see that half of his palace

ng the Zuma warrîors but it looked like

secret room where he had hid

s no cóward, he was a powerful warrîor before and

le la

er his enemies, To his surprise, he met the king o

èast of wàr that he was, his

eady covered in blóod. Blóod of peopl

ands too. He almost kîlled the king of Zuma if n

w something scary! something that bróke h

be happening!" He

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