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The time

The time

Author: cherry...

Chapter 1 The village gathering

Word Count: 751    |    Released on: 10/07/2024

he clouds had started to gather after an intense heat of the mid-day sun.one could watch the clouds racing swiftly as if purs

s had closed work early to go home.farmers could be seen hurrying home with giant strides to meet up with the emer

children had vowed that the spirit of there father would not be disgraced by rainfall on that day.but it was a general opinion that the we

ead of her.she moved faster to catch up with h

ease slow down,let me keep

sh my self and rush off to the village square",prisca replied (

ut in this unfriendly looking weather?"

the extraordinary power of dispelling any force

ut her is true?"be

our village head when prof.Eze presented her with a gift describing her as : 'she who charts the path of destiny for the young,'she

e lies that belie it--about change which is always changing__about sex and it's natural purpose --about speech the proverbial silver,and silence the proverbial gold--the ti

t be there,-

rtunities beyond the seeming limits of the sky,that there are treasure buried deep below

treet but was quick to realize her direction.she halted for a split second,heaved a sigh and announced her parting. "We shall part

eting are the order of nature,"prisca philoso

ission. There is no girl child of Akamu, irrespective of facial or physical comeliness,that remained a sprinter after her 25th birthday, they were always on anxious demand by suitors from far and near, They were like hot cakes that please the appetite.in their marit

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