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Life is filled with abject

Chapter 2 At the hospital

Word Count: 2301    |    Released on: 11/07/2024

blow to her 12-year marriage. Despite years of trying, she had been unable to carry a pregnancy to term, her weak hormones making it impossible for her babies t

companied her to the hospital, t

going to be ok". She said softly, attempt

r mother cursing God for giving her children" Anita sai

med immediately

madam, why w

the god for

you sure a

me to h

covering from the grief of loosing a child

me to her or not

hat way before and the sudd

. She said leadin

vehemently cursing God for blessing her with children, her anger and despair palpable.

ldn't contain her emotions. She burst into t

lthy children?" She asked, her voice tremb

ok at Susan for a while fo

r business? Do you

patients" The nurse said and

ts couldn't bear to witness their suffering. She scooped up the children and cradled them in her arms, soothing their cries u

cious ones, and taking out your pain on them. They're the fruit of your womb, the joy

f emotion. Her lips curled int

ed. Why don't w

orsaken mother like you?"Susan blurted but

s to you and you will g

ieve her ears. "Nev

petuating their suffering." Clara's gaze locked onto Susan, who seemed intrigued by the proposition. "I know you could provide them with a loving home, something I'm incapable of offering. To me, they're mere burdens, but I'm sure you could g

tle ones in your next life come from a

ange her mind. "Why do yo

m, they will be burden to me". She sa

gh money to raise the other." She sa

ed resolute in his disapproval. Anita, the loyal maid, had witnessed the heated arguments between the couple on this very issue, and knew the depth of Desmond's resistance. She had seen the pain in Susan's eyes, the longing

t adopt her

h signing papers? I can give

of my own. No, I'm doing this to secure a better future for these innocent ones. And let's be clear, I could have taken both children from you, but I know the compl

drifting from Susan to the twins, her exp

d, but don't say I didn't warn you. You're taking on a lot of trouble,

ard and returned

you sure?"

orance and gave her a confused look. Anita has been with her since she got m

the ado

want to help those children

at of sir

Desmond, but i will surely fi

start the adop

lawyer now. That reminds

nswered promptly, promising to arrive before day's end. True to his word, he appeared at the hospital, and they discussed the ad

y as she added her signature. Finally, the paperwork was complete, and Susan was discharged from the hospital, cradling her precious bundle of joy in her arms. As they left

already received the devastating news from the doctor - their baby's chances of survival were slim to none. Convinced that Susan was too frail t

es radiant with a newfound joy. Anita trailed behind her, carrying a tiny bundle wrapped in a white

-nd". She ca

stioning look. "Wh

." She s

hat"? He shout taking her off gaur

by so I adopted

h a slap. They have been married for over twelve

u i want to a

"Desmond please jus

ore I return, I want that baby out of this house". H

le her. "Madam what

on't turn my back on my child" She cr

the hospital bed ignori

a name for the baby"? The nu

let me be. Fine, what

er confused before r

Clara smile emph

ll you give the baby"

on't you hear me

exercised patient

baby after you, because am sure she is go

urse left the wa

lost. She had never considered a female name, as her previous pregnancies

for a moment before a warm smile spread across he

gnaling Desmond's arrival. She entrusted Monica to Anita's care an

considered a sister - were locked in a passionate embrace, oblivious to her presence. The betrayal cut deep, like a knife twi

ol her temper. "Wha

ed and held De

you are

his arm around

have to sign the divorce papers and le

them devastat

to her for all i care but she will forever remain a mis

is not going to sign the divor

ave to forc

s very determined when it

ile and he nod at

l be forced to sign the divorce pap

t if she

bare living in same house with her

mention of mistress but


he evening and Desmond

papers or not am throwing you o

him filled with

e see yo

a side of her he had never seen before. It

arry Ana and bring her into this house, into o

was calm, yet lace

but she'll forever be noth

med out of the room, leaving Susan

to me?" She sobbed, her b

dly follow me by clicking on my profile


friends will

ns, Monica and Michel

thoughts about

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