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The Luna's Bodyguard

The Luna's Bodyguard


Chapter 1 Smell of danger

Word Count: 1999    |    Released on: 12/07/2024

er reject you, Beta Pet

ov's eyes glowed a blinding red as he s

o madly in love with him could put pen to paper on this. In his rage, he tore the pap

h less, the embarrassment that would come in the papers, knowing that he, son of

ngagements, but as werewolves, he knew it went far deeper, she had n

ng to make sure her l


of the leeching danger. Apart from his challenges as the Leader of a strong Pack, he knew he had

his daughters were his greatest asset, he needed to double thei

, and so he was choosy when he picked, until he finally hired an ext


eeper's notice. He had known I would do that. The small candy shop was barely ho

ers had carried the news all over every satellite. The werewolves

er's Vacation house where we had printed our initials with knives, "I hearts P"- I

t only because he had cheate

rstand, there was no such thing as a fated mate or true love. There was just an agreement

ith perfect silk skin, blonde hair, and a slender, luscious body,

be Luna, after my mother's death, I had just

ncouver. The Luna of our Pack, the Golden Stallion Pack. Life h

re I never felt pressured to take on the duty of Luna after my M

y neck like a shield, and he had stood his grounds against the

live with the guilt of my actions every single day, af

veryone blame

he had easily found love, but because some res

to know what it felt like. Petrov had left when we were teenagers and only ret

burned all bridges, and just a week before our wed

in my Father's office reck

out in a ragged cry as Petrov slammed her again

my true mate." Petr

na?" Aurora asked in

now who you are

I turned away, hurt by w

tain I would never be good enough for any man to look at. Why then wa

cent that made you think of old people and moments of your

s" was the only shop within a mile range of dead roads that had a ph

emembered how badly I had behaved at the club I attended.

I knew he was gay and worse of all, we just never saw eye to eye on anything. I

p and completely non-fun, even though I did find hi

ared at myself in the old shop's half-broken and rather brown set mirror. I saw My nose ring bl

at me warningly, his grey eyes taking on a serious glare. Nonetheless,

tingly, I would meet my wolf again without being afraid of what pain I would feel, o

y eyes, unsure for a moment what was going on, until he saw me reach for the three-step

, smiling at the old woman with an innocent, easy friendly smile. My

ameron knew this, but somehow, he had been a

ire was not enough reason for you to be a vand

ping my bad deeds, Cameron alway

ed fingers were still reaching for the perfume samples, he did the only wise thing he could think of at that moment, he t

e old woman asked peering ov

may. The old stupid tric

filled the air around my nose as soon as the man walked i

still a bit fair, I still think we should be hea

ound the counter and picked it up. "I am so sorry, silly old thing yo

now" Cameron said to me again, but I was now t

nk by grabbing the can and squeezing it. He squeezed

you?!" I mumbled out

you want to drown yourself in more alcohol. I'm sorry,

look, he shrugged his shoulder as though i

ant to because I can afford it" I had said with an air of deliriousness. As soon as I

Cameron's shoulder to stop myself from falling. He grabbed my waist an

is. I was desperately tempted to reach out to his face and kiss him. Crazily, that was

lady said to us, and my eyes poppe

y with a sharp glare. I felt worried that he was angry at m

ticed he caught the reflection of the man dressed in black, who h

fish reflex, I watched him duck and jump, shoving me out of the way, jus

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