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Family business

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1499    |    Released on: 16/07/2024

an intensity that had become his trademark. The room buzzed with tension as they strategized their next move against Victoria Langley's aggressive attempts to des

hat Adrian's recent successes had something to do with the mysterious woman she had seen him with at the gala. Victoria's assistant entered her office, carrying a folder. "I've done some digging, Ms. Langley. The woman Adrian has been seeing is named Emma Greene. She's an artist, lives in Brooklyn. Not much else on her." Victoria's eyes narrowed as she took the folder. "Interesting. Perhaps it's time we learn more about Ms. Greene. I want to know everything there is to know about her." * * * Unaware of the looming threat, Adrian and Emma's bond continued to strengthen. They spent weekends exploring the city, finding hidden gems in both Manhattan and Brooklyn. Adrian felt a sense of freedom he hadn't experienced in years, and Emma's art thrived, inspired by their growing love. One evening, as they walked hand in hand through Central Park, Adrian stopped and turned to face Emma. "I know we've only been seeing each other for a short time, but I feel like I've known you forever. You've brought so much joy and meaning into my life, Emma." Emma's heart swelled with emotion. "I feel the same way, Adrian. You've changed my life in ways I never imagined." Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "I know it's soon, but I wanted to give you this. It's a token of how much you mean to me." He opened the box to reveal a delicate necklace, a single diamond pendant catching the light. Emma gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. "Adrian, it's beautiful. But you didn't have to..." "I wanted to," he said softly. "Because you're special to me, Emma." She let him clasp the necklace around her neck, her fingers trembling slightly. "Thank you, Adrian. It's perfect." As they kissed under the moonlit sky, both felt a sense of completeness, as if they had found their missing piece in each other. * * * However, their idyllic bubble was soon threatened. Victoria Langley had devised a plan to use Emma's past to destabilize Adrian. She uncovered a scandal involving Emma's family, a long-buried secret that had the potential to destroy the trust between Adrian and Emma. Adrian was in a meeting when he received an urgent call from his legal advisor. "Mr. Sterling, we have a situation. You need to see this immediately." He excused himself and went to his private office, where his advisor handed him a dossier. As he read through the documents, his expression darkened. The allegations against Emma's family were serious, and the implications for Sterling Enterprises were significant. His heart sank. He knew he had to talk to Emma, but the thought of confronting her with this information was agonizing. He didn't want to believe that she had kept such a crucial secret from him. * * * That evening, Adrian met Emma

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