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Dark mafia: kill or be killed

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 966    |    Released on: 17/07/2024

we can take down the entire network." Lisa agreed, and they quickly formulated a plan. They would feed Mark false information about a high-profile bust, something too tempting

nd precise. He could see Lisa doing the same, her face a mask of concentration. The air was filled with the deafening roar of gunfire and the acrid smell of smoke. Amidst the chaos, Alex caught sight of Mark being hustled away by one of the attackers. Determination flared within him. He wasn't about to let their prime suspect slip away. He pushed through the melee, dodging bullets and returning fire as he closed the distance. The man dragging Mark was strong, but Alex's anger fueled his strength. He tackled the man, a brutal struggle ensued. Mark tried to slip away in the confusion, but Alex was faster. He grabbed Mark by the collar, his grip ironclad. "You're not going anywhere," he snarled. Mark's eyes blazed with defiance. "You're in over your head, Ghost. You have no idea what's coming." Before Alex could respond, a sharp pain seared through his side. He gasped, realizing he'd been stabbed. Mark's handler had taken advantage of the chaos to strike. Alex staggered, but he didn't let go. Summoning every ounce of strength, he fought back, landing a solid punch that sent his attacker reeling. Lisa was at his side in an instant, her expression a mix of worry and determination. "We've got him," she said, cuffing Mark once more. "Let's get you out of here." Alex nodded, wincing as the pain intensified. They moved quickly, the team covering their retreat. The attackers were relentless, but the agents held their ground, buying them enough time to escape. --- At the safehouse, medics tended to Alex's wound. He gritted his teeth against the pain, his mind still focused on the mission. Mark had been captured, but his cryptic warnings echoed in Alex's mind. Lisa sat beside him, her expre

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