ccupied as relatives and friends of the family gathered together to condole and show their su
ot once from my family, not even Michael, cared to have a word with me. I felt like an ordinary attendee at a random wake.
mingle and be surrounded with people who see me as lesser than them. It was as if I was a ghost. But I already got accus
ng it since I had to stay close for the hearing and stuff. But now that the decree was out, I could now freely accomplish what I had in mind. With the degree I've graduated from, which is Business Management, I am confident that
ed it back inside my handbag. But seconds later, it rang again, displaying the same
confident voice of a woman spoke at the other line. My forehea
May I know who's on
orporation. I believe you've received the mail the company has sent
nalyze what she just said. Drawing me back to th
ntly in a state of mourning, my father died,
etter, Miss Watsons. It is of great importance and the company would sincerel
ue. "May I ask what this is all about? I don't recall applying for any position in your comp
an of Hunts Global Corporation is in a very delicate condition as of th
head. I am completely baffled at what she was saying
n't ring a bell on me. Forgiv
ss Watsons. I highly suggest that you go through th
and have a pleasa
I reviewed the conversation I just had with a s
irman? Why do they need my presence with urgency to grace their company?