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Chapter 2 TDB-2

Word Count: 1360    |    Released on: 18/07/2024

e. Faintly, he smiled. It wasn't without reason. It was as if a spark of joy had touched his long-empty heart. T

d as he ate the dinner already laid out on the table. Listening to E

e I was a child. I just moved a year ago and finally decided to set

live with here? Are yo

g Olivia told him. Not even for a moment did his attention shift, as if

nts and sister are in Germany. But th

ving alone in a city

But it's okay. Honestly, I'm happy to live alone in London. Here,

ause he met a beautiful woman, but a happy smile as if pleased bec

I brought what

wed by the entrance of a man Tristan knew well. He w

ou get, Mario? Please s

ologize if there may still be some missing inform

ded to him. He began reading it carefully, scruti

" Tristan read what was written there. He glanced, staring deeply at his a

ite, and the circulating photos, it's confirmed that this woman is indeed the daughter of Rudolf Walters, a

. He looked at some photos while rereading care

social activist. She has had relationships with several celebritie

a's show schedules that were officially released by her agency. I've also att

odded in

r of his lips meaningfully. "But I won't let them get any closer. Never, Mario." Tristan's voice lowered, bu

e, as a trusted person, Tristan also asked him to investigate someone. The young man even paid

d never dared to ask outright why Tristan was looking for R

other information about the Walters family, please

iving what Tristan asked for,

Tristan's door was knocked again. This time,

ou?" Raphael asked

cere tone in Tristan's words. As an orphan, he felt deeply indebted to Raphael. It was Raphael who p

ed always to follow Raphael's words. He also tri

t," Raphael said. He then sat calmly

ere, Uncle?" Trist

h Kimberly. When do you think is the r

ng the right time to carry out what his uncle had

mind when the event

y. Hearing Tristan deliberate

he asked, se

The daughter of Rudolf Walters, w

well that he had once ordered his men to investigate Rudolf a

to be searched for. It was as if God had deliberately shown His kindn

ou do next?" Ra

tan well. The young man was born with strong instincts. Never reckless. Always meticulous in every action and decision h

e to win Olivia's heart first. When everything goes s

rald green eyes stared deeply into Tristan's sharp blue one

ure about

I've thought it through very carefully, Uncle.

his face showing clear concern. "What if you e

ly rebutted. "How could I fall in love with t

seeing the vengeful expression that didn't leave Tristan's face, it

l said, looking deeply at the man he considered his own son. "You s

and holding it tightly. As if to assure him tha

has done, he will eventua

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