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Army Boys on German Soil: Our Doughboys Quelling the Mobs

Chapter 7 A CLOSE CALL

Word Count: 1524    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he Army Boys as they cro

re, Frank?"

me of them were wearing the uniform of the Jaeger regiments. They fought against us in the Argonne, and y

oned Tom. "Germans are arrested every day i

count much out in the wilderness. If these fellows have an officer with them, he'll probably have sense enough to know that it doesn't pay to buck up against

make them out to

I should judge,"

going to do?

way is usually the best. If they saw us do any pussyfooting,

ance of perhaps six hundred feet. But as the other party approached, Frank could see that one of their number was observing him and his comrades through

rted from place to place over the snowy landscape to f

ther that their roots seemed to intermingle. On the near side of the little hill the vagaries of the wind had swept th

up of prisoners who were walking with their hands uprais

a break drop him in his tracks," Frank directed, "You, Bart and Tom, come with me, an

ity, while those of others were ugly and determined. There were perhaps half a dozen rifles among the lot, but the boys could see army revolvers at the belts of half a dozen more. A few had nothing but heavy sticks. The clothing of all was worn and travel stained, but all we

d then Frank handed his rifle to Billy and went forward wi

which there was no trace of wavering. "We are on our way to camp. We saw you turn from y

ere was no answer ready, although the men's eyes glowered as t

at speaks English?" Frank a

n, and one of their number wa

k English?"

hly. "I lived for five year

fensively insolent, but Fr

me what you and your comr

ners you have with y

oners?" pa

se men walking with their hands on their heads, and we know t

g to get them?" F

r of you, as we saw through our glasses, and we're four to one. You wouldn't be fools enough to fight ag

them into camp, and we're going to do it. This district is under American rule and America has a long arm. You may wipe us out, but the

n, is it?" snar

to his c

es!" he

got no

man by the collar. With his right, he yanked his automatic

l blow your brain

rst instinct of revol

inst his head was a

raised, but as Frank had whirled his prisoner between him and

ifles were leveled at the crowd. Step by step the boys retreated, until they stood with Billy in the shelter o

Tom admiringly, as he cla

ld so," agreed Bar

as in my mouth while


th the prisoners whi


tried to get up, but I handed him a c

denly. "Those fellows ar

the snow, and a moment later

hey meant business

ven't all got rifle

er scale," remarked Tom. "Shall we let them have a taste of

pite. We're safe enough behind these oaks, and we haven't any too much ammuni

remarked Bart. "They know they're four t

ank, "for Billy will have his hand

he oaks. At the same moment, the Germans rushed forward a few yards, taking shel


nk, and his fingers t

They'll get all tha

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