Hunter's moon by Humaira277
ch is the opposite of what his face is showing, * not long, is ....everything okay* said safi
girls do when they find out that their princess is sneaking out at night, and not only the werewolves but many are looking f
the ones that works with the werewolves, they can take you and use it against me, I mean the kingdom* safia says * okayy, I'm sorry I snuck out father, but I promise
*but father I..* again she was cut short * you're grounded for 3 days safia, sir Anthony will
with her curiosity, she might find out the truth about him, and he surely doesn't want that, so its safe to say, he's try
is just so shocked, not only has her father grounded her but now she's stuck with Anthony, she also noticed that her father is getti
at later, cuz now she's just so upset Anthony did this to her, and he's even asking her for a midnight s
sneaking out to go to parties, she just wants to clear her mind, can't they see she has no one to talk to, how lonely she is, and how much she misses her
dier and shut the door at HIS face, he's sir Anthony hauk green, nobody does that to him, no
cross her father, so with all does furious thoughts in his mind, he sat in a wooden chair in
sir Anthony's voice saying, *rise and shine my lady, its time for your morning l
ll need to get ready and have breakfast, am I right * safia courses under her breath and slowly raised u
ess with her hair falling down to her waist and a flower crown resting atop her head, even sir Anthony admits she's beautiful,
made her way to her lessons with Anthony annoyingly following her ( he just
lessons like dancing, poetry, calculations e.t.c it took 1 hours for every lesson and 30:m for lunch break, usually when she's done she would wonder in the c
nded, but she's still gonna meet him anyway ( she just can't get him outta her head) after her father sayin
log, how romantic" and quietly she locked her door, arranged some pillows under