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Bitter smile

Chapter 3 Confronting Demilade

Word Count: 1883    |    Released on: 26/07/2024

r. Demilade's mother, determined to make her son take responsibility, arranges a meeting between Dara and De

mother) took them both

her's house, her mother by her side. Demilade sa

ere?" he asked gruffl

rd. "She's pregnant, Demila

true! She's just a gold digger trying to trap me with that thing in her, I possibly c

he'd been punched in the gut. "How can you say that?" she asked, her voice

nough. You will not disrespect Dara in my house. She is carryin

why you're taking her side, Mo

il now, spoke up. "We don't need this

ar what he has to say. I want to know why he

got herself pregnant. You should have thought ab

er intervened before she could respond. "That's

glimmer of the boy she thought she knew. But then his mask

ake responsibility for his actions. She realized that she might have to r

bility for this pregnancy and that's f

" Demilade protested, his f

elpless 17-year-old girl," his mother retorted, her eyes flashing with anger. "You

rds. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You w

ideal, Dara, but I want to ensure that my son takes responsibility for

ice hesitant. "I don't know, M

but I assure you, I will be keeping a close eye on hi

and a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, Demila

furious. "This is ridiculous," he mu

o it, Demilade. You will take responsibility for

e's defiance hanging in the air. D

ith me"Demilade said blank

de's sudden agreement. She couldn't be

xpect you to take care of Dara and the baby. You w

ill looking furious

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Mrs.

erns, but I assure you, I will be keeping a close eye on

and a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, Demila

her voice barely above a

I'll make the arrangements. You

f Demilade's heavy breathing breaking the s

has taken in enough already, she should get some res

dded in reply and

oughts and questions. What would happen next week when she went to Lag

tife, and Zara were chatting happily in the li

, her voice shaking with emotion. "I'm sur

grasped her. "Dara, what's wrong? I

n, trying to calm Dara down. "Dara, stop

eded someone to blame. "You should have told me about Demilade

, I didn't know. I thought he

the situation. "Dara, stop. This isn't

she cried weakly, shoc

tep back, releasing herself from Dara's grasp.

calm the situation. "Dara, let's talk about this calml

ng around her, and she needed someone to blame. "You should have war

. "Dara, I swear, I didn't know. I th

ion. "Dara, stop. This isn't Zara's fault. She's he

tears streaming down her face. She felt like her life

oled her with the

d her mother explain everything tha

you didn't try to save money for my treatment, now I'm all better but you are the on

She immediately hugged Boluwatife tightly. "No, Boluwatife, this isn't your fault.

daughters. "We're in this together, as a family. We'll face

adn't gotten sick, you wouldn't have tried to save mo

ave met him anyway. The point is, this isn't your fault. We

on her face. "You're right, Dara.

tion. She would face whatever came next with courage

et some rest"Zara said from be

also appreciated Zara's concern. "Thanks, Zara. I think I will get some rest. and Zara

eakly. "I'll be here for

don't you stay for dinner? We can

ent before nodding. "Oka

ase. She knew that she had a long and difficult road ahead of her, but with

er tried to lighten the mood. "So, Zara,

ct. "They're doing well, thanks for asking. M

t! I love her cooking. Maybe we c

t's a great idea. We'll ha

of gratitude towards her family and friends. They were all tryi

ve. "Thanks for having me over,

f closure. "Thanks for coming, Zara. I

htly. "Anytime, Dar

ion. She would face whatever came next with courage and st

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