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Mated to the Alpha

Chapter 3 Accalia

Word Count: 1279    |    Released on: 29/07/2024

n form allows the wolf to rest and prepare for the healing process, but this person was half-wolf, half-man. Only one thing was capable of making a wolf unable to complete his shift. James

m. The man's heartbeat was unsteady. "He's gone," sighed Dr. John. "Isn't there something else we can do?" I asked. Dr. John bent his head slightly while rubbing his forehead and replied, "We can only help sick and wounded wolves. We can't take their souls back from the Moon goddess. I'm sorry, my dear." Tears quickly gathered in my eyes. I didn't know the man before me, but it hurt me to think of how much pain he was in before he died. His pack's mark was cut off showing that he was probably exiled. I hoped whoever was responsible for his death would be caught soon. I left to attend to other patients in the pack hospital. I knocked on the door of my favorite patient; Mrs Adams. "Come in" she replied. "Good morning Mrs Adams" I greeted. "Oh, Accalia. You look as beautiful as ever" she said. I laughed. "I keep telling you I'm Rose not Accalia" She always called me Accalia from the very first time I met her. For some reason, she refused to accept that my name is Rose. She shook her head and replied; "Do not change your name. It was given to you by the Moon Goddess herself. Always remember that my dear." I refused to argue further and went to assist her with her medications. "Your wolf is uneasy my dear," she said suddenly. My wolf? I don't have a wolf. I have never shifted before. "I don't have a wolf" I replied. She looked at me and smiled. "The moon goddess knew what she was doing while she was giving you your wolf. One day, you will understand why she named you Accalia" she said. I shook my head and continued my task. "I'll be back tomorrow to check on you Mrs Adams," I said. "Bye, my dear. The moon is with you" she replied with a smile. I waved at her and left her room. I kept pondering what she told me. Mrs Adams is the oldest member of our pack. At 390 years old, she still stood strong but her memory is not as sharp as it used to be. She was always talking to people no one could see or hear. I shrugged off the thought of all she said counting it as one of the symptoms she presented over the years which made the Alpha i

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