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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1567    |    Released on: 03/08/2024

Sarah in line. She has always been best with you for whatever godforsaken reason. But if you put one toe out of line, I may just decid

her own breathi

Grange tomorrow. Be by in th

‟s heir was on the continent, fulfilling his last bits of education. Not that

n form of her companion outside the door and continued toward the east wing. "T

girl gripped her arm. "You sho

lows me such liberties." But she had to be careful of going too far. She had read the threat in his eyes.


d them, bowing to Lady Sarah as

nket around her friend‟s legs. Six years‟ difference in age had firmly established th

at each participant. Determine

ah leaned her head ba

l be bad, right?" She tried not t

hook he

e to cull Anthony

nd force

ine said loyally, disliking the man she had

cularly liked to compare my skin to all manners of attractive things.

e at Sarah‟s attempt at a jest. "Artists are a strange lot. And poets-always t

re genuine. "Yes, well, I won‟t have t

round Sarah

tion as an incentive to make sure one

nds, he‟ll have the letters-patent drawn up and-" She waved a hand in a fatalistic manner. "I tried to beg him to revoke his blessings, but you know h

e gent

t the bow on her dres

true gentleman." Not the type of man who was generous and understanding, courteous and patient. A

he monetary rewards are a joint offering from all the men sponsoring the tournament, and it „promotes good English stock and fun.‟ The winner will be"-Sa


pleased ," s

that is

er. And the diamonds fairly sparkled this year before they were snatched up. There were so many at the mart at the beginning of the season. I thought myse

o way for me to make a powerful marriage ot

a wonderful woman, Sarah. The right

p, tears shimmer

n and at the earl battling with the need to comfort Cheever

neatly stacked pile. "Find some handsome princ

h ch

She tapped the table. "No

ty of tea, but too dange

ended to think ab

smile and resume

n her chair. "America?

nsion left Sar

ything but the eyes of the world. If the competition turned out to be disastrous, despite the ill-suited nature they

ion, let‟s see what we can do about this competition.

, to th

know any

ifteen of them." She rattled off a few names that Caroline recognized from notes, the London sh

l be here to look over the docu

en trying to drum

s room, though they think I don‟t know." Caroline blinked, momentarily sidetracked by Sarah‟s glib an


rah laughing, all the while plotting which part

rden of the vacant, but charming, Roseford Grange. She‟d completed a pencil s

d Sarah‟s new chaperone

r ire during the carriage ri

arried to the new viscount. A man demonstrating strength in all areas and support

evon a box on the ears for dangling the earl‟s regard before Sarah like

affection for you would be untold. The sheer amo

n power that Lady Tevon dripped with every new

e paper. Undoubtedly the winner of this redoubtable tour

power, or seeking it, rarely were. And several of the men were widely known

ext beautiful or powerful thing c

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