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Forbidden Desires of Billionaire Triplets

Forbidden Desires of Billionaire Triplets


Chapter 1 Chapitre 1

Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 05/08/2024

every detail of his appearance with careful meticulous. Her long brown hair was styled into a ponytail. elegant horse, leaving her face clear and highlight

le professional conduct. But at the fl months, an underlying tension had been developing between her and her three bosses - Drake, John, and D

he youngest, had a gentle and reassuring charm, his discreet smiles and his calm voice provided a soothing contrast to the palpable tension of the work envi

ay might hold. In arriving at the office, she quickly greeted her colleagues before heading towards the meeting room

ont of her. Yet his mind wandered, imagining scenarios where she gave in to her most secre

ly by John and Dav. They took their place around the table, and Élise immediately felt the dynamic o

said, his eyes searchi


r. But Élise had difficulty concentrating. Every time as one of the brothers spoke, she felt a wave of heat rising in She. She met John's g

ly, her heart beating faster. She raised her eyes towards him, and he gave him a discreet

lances loaded with innuendo. She found herself fantasizing about what it would be to give in to her desires, to let D

disturbed. She needed to talk to someone, to sharewhat she felt.

ou look all upset," said Anna

ly playing with the s

nna. I...I have feel

ith wide eyes. "Wait


for all three. And I think they feel something f

"Well, you're in a

ear. But tell me,


horitarian, he makes me lose my footing. John is gentle and caring, he makes me feel special. And Dav...he's so bold and adv

t time sheets. But you know what? If that's what you really want, may

her. Maybe that Anna was right. Maybe it was time to

leaving his fingers brushing against his by accident. And with Dav, she allowed herself to respond to his teasing with knowing smiles and glances supported.The reaction of the brothers was not to be expected. Drake seemed more attentive to his

opped her at the door of her desk. "Élise, can you stay a

g. "Of course, Mr. Dante

sk. " I do not I don't want to be indiscreet, but... have

ords. "Yes, I noticed it. And

coming to sit on the edge near of her. "I c

e me. We talked, and we know tha

o try... if y

feel this intense attraction. "I...I want to try," she w

t's do it. But remember, Élise, it won't always be easy. But I promise you

m, followed by Dav. They exchan

» John asked, his voice soft but

their attention on her. But instead of feeling i

t you all the three. »A satisfied smile appeared on Dav's lips.

ice, Élise knew that her life had

e future held for her, but she was ready to embra

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