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Mated To Two Alphas And A Vampire

Chapter 2 Destined Shadows: The Rejection and Revelation

Word Count: 2281    |    Released on: 07/08/2024

esperate to have my sin, you little cursed slut." Alpha Varlos thundered as he approached me and I shook in fear as I recoiled from him. "Dad!" She's not a slut, o

esent at the party. Many alpha sons and daughters were present too. Sentinels stood at every door for security. Maids loomed around, serving guests respectfully, and servants worked around with drinks on trays. I could hear the clicking of glasses as well as music playing in the background. Some other omegas and I arranged the chairs and tables for the guests. When I saw Carlos in his blue bow tie and white suit, my heart skipped a beat. His blue eyes were as brilliant as ever, and his spiky blonde hair flowed over his shoulders. He was not just endearing and gorgeous; he was the epitome of perfection. I couldn't stop blushing while staring at his attractive features. "Maintain your focus, Camila. They're watching you!" Kate said in a mutter, tapping me on my shoulders. "I guess I was lost. Thanks for reminding me, by the way," I replied, glancing at everyone in the hallway. I focused my gaze on the face of an elderly woman wearing all-black clothing. She didn't seem to be blinking and appeared to be staring at me intensely. I looked away from her in the hopes that she would become bored of staring at me. When I looked back at her, she still had her eyes fixed on me. I squinted, wondering if she knew me from somewhere before. I noticed she was staring at my bizarre hair. I felt confused as I tried to comprehend her facial expression. "Come!" Kate dragged me, snatching my mind away from the old lady. "Let's arrange these chairs over there." After we were done arranging the chairs, the party commenced with the host giving a short speech. I felt sad as I noticed Carlos was interested in the conversation he was having with a damsel beside him. She had brown wavy hair and deep blue eyes like him. Her name was Phoebe, and she was the daughter of Alpha Thompson from Snow Moon Park. I watched as the both of them engaged in deep conversation, chuckling at every interval. My heart broke just seeing them together. I knew I was not much for Carlos. Why did the moon goddess hate me so much by giving me hopes with him when it's obvious we couldn't be together? After the party, my worst fears came true when Carlos introduced Phoebe as his new mate. My broken heart shattered into pieces. I was broken beyond repair. I hoped to see Carlos so we could discuss, but when our eyes met, he turned his face away, ignoring my existence. A tear dropped from my eye as I saw him and Phoebe holding hands and having a fun time together. Had he forgotten the promise he made? I approached him and Phoebe to initiate a discussion with him. Alpha Carlos advanced menacingly before I could say anything. Carlos turned to face me after he had frightfully caught eyes with his father. "I'm sorry, Camelia. You need to end whatever feelings you have for me. I've got a new mate." "W-What?" I asked with a shaky breath, tears forming in my eyes. "Yes, Camelia. I'm sorry, but I can't be your mate," Carlos emphasized, his voice tinged with regret. I knew he must have been forced into making his decision. "But- you, you promised me last night that you'd always be there for me." "That was then, but not anymore. I, Carlos Alessandro, reject you, Camelia, as my mate." I turned around and took to my heels before he could say anything further. All eyes were on me, and laughter erupted from the audience. "A cursed person like her, how dare she try to woo the Prince?" "What was she expecting other than a rejection from him?" As I raced out of the hall, I heard whispers and rumors from every direction. Daring not to look behind, I picked up speed as I ran. Kate called after me, but I did not hear her. She left me after some time, thinking it was best for me to be alone. Running into a bar, I ordered some drinks just so I could forget everything. After drinking several glasses of alcohol, I ordered more bottles. Just as I was about to take the last glass, I felt a hand stop me. In curiosity, I turned to my

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