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Chapter 34 Iris's decision

Word Count: 2880    |    Released on: 21/08/2024

id. It left Iris with a kind of dread that had taken comfortable residence inside her chest, like a tightness that o

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1 Chapter 1 The Heartbreak2 Chapter 2 Decision3 Chapter 3 Unspoken4 Chapter 4 In The Dark5 Chapter 5 Icy Union6 Chapter 6 Unexpected News7 Chapter 7 Bonds strengthened8 Chapter 8 Facing the Shadows9 Chapter 9 The Gathering Storm10 Chapter 10 Echoes of the Past11 Chapter 11 A Fragile Trust12 Chapter 12 Iris's struggle for acceptance13 Chapter 13 Iris confronts her pasts and embraces her new future with Erin.14 Chapter 14 The Pack Faces an External Threat and Stands Together15 Chapter 15 The Packs Unite and Battle the Shadowfang Pack16 Chapter 16 Lineaments of New Alliances17 Chapter 17 Echoes of the Past18 Chapter 18 Ghosts of the Past19 Chapter 19 The Heart of Darkness20 Chapter 20 The Unseen Enemy21 Chapter 21 Shadows of Change22 Chapter 22 Echoes of the Past23 Chapter 23 There Is a Storm Coming24 Chapter 24 A New Dawn25 Chapter 25 : Echoes of the Past26 Chapter 26 Shadows of the Future27 Chapter 27 The Gathering Storm28 Chapter 28 Echoes of the Past29 Chapter 29 A Fragile Heart30 Chapter 30 a mother's vow31 Chapter 31 Iris growing acceptance of her new life and wildwood pack.32 Chapter 32 Shadows of the Past33 Chapter 33 Burden of Choices34 Chapter 34 Iris's decision35 Chapter 35 Rebuilding Trust, Constructing a New Legacy36 Chapter 36 Braving New Challenges37 Chapter 37 A Test to Loyalty and Strength38 Chapter 38 Forging a New Path39 Chapter 39 A New Era of Harmony40 Chapter 40 A Future to Embrace41 Chapter 41 A New Dawn42 Chapter 42 The Burden of Leadership43 Chapter 43 Confrontation and Redemption44 Chapter 44 Healing Wounds and New Beginnings45 Chapter 45 The Road to Reconciliation46 Chapter 46 The Winds of Change47 Chapter 47 : Moonbay Council48 Chapter 48 The cold embrace of Redemption.49 Chapter 49 Struggle for New Beginnings50 Chapter 50 The Tides of Change51 Chapter 51 Echoes of the Past52 Chapter 52 The Turning Point53 Chapter 53 Echoes of Change54 Chapter 54 A New Horizon55 Chapter 55 Legacy Bonds56 Chapter 56 In search of redemption57 Chapter 57 Treachery's Aftermath58 Chapter 58 Rebuilding Trust, Strengthening Bonds59 Chapter 59 New Beginning60 Chapter 60 Embracing Change and Building a Future61 Chapter 61 Navigating New Horizons62 Chapter 62 Adversity and Reconciliation63 Chapter 63 Seeds of Change64 Chapter 64 Tides of Change65 Chapter 65 A Cold Realization66 Chapter 66 The Cost of Secrets67 Chapter 67 The Weight of the Past68 Chapter 68 A New Dawn in Wildwood69 Chapter 69 Building a Legacy70 Chapter 70 Unveiling Truths71 Chapter 71 The Echoes of Change