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Mine to Take

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 11/08/2024

Lily coming back, but he heard nothing. Once the clock struck at 12 AM, he knew she wouldn't be coming back that night, but a part of him believed she'd be back first thing in the morning. The emp

n't just the time that annoyed him, it was the freaking clock itself. Two nights ago, he had a classic vintage one sitting on his

nally hit him, Lily walked away with all the colours and homeliness she added to his life. His room was back to the exact way he had it before she came into his life, and instead of loving it... He detested every part of it. He wanted the littl

d. He smoothened his rough hair, before he beckoned on the person to come in. He kept his face blank as the door cre

Lily, it w

arked and Ma

workers, worked round the clock last night, trying to get a hold of their mistress and when they finally did..

rns overnight?" The minute the question left his mouth, Asher felt a little pang of guilt at h

used to return back to the mansion sir. Instead, she told us to wait for a package to deliver to you this mor

er. He couldn't wrap his head around Lily's newly found confidence to disrespect him... He called the shots

uld be, but he chose to believe otherwise. She might be pulling her little antics now, but she wouldn't dare to do what he th

tter side of him. She glanced at the locked door behind her and shook her hea

aper inside the envelope and his chest tightened from the anger coursing through his veins. An agreement to divorce w

d ended the call. Once he dropped his phone, he tore the divorce papers into bits and pieces, and threw them in the trash. He wasn't going to let her divo

e him. A corner of his lips tugged up in a smirk, it was time to pay the little birdie a visit. If she wasn't going to co

ever let anything that was truly a

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