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The Cruel Lord

Chapter 4 Blood orange

Word Count: 1964    |    Released on: 19/08/2024

a captivating interior. Beyond the sun-kissed facade lay a mysterious labyrint

y into the grandeur. Yet, despite the lavish surroundings, an eerie emptiness pervaded the air, accentuated by the

the Dark Lord-the very figure of dread from her childhood nightmares. Curiosity gnawed at her, wondering about the face behin

ced the quiet, drawing Mae's attention back to the present. "So, you're a dau

her's name is

her pretty bony face. "Don't play clever with me, human. You

yebrow. "It was

ration. "Just a stone? You have no idea of the havoc you've wreaked. You're cluele

aside, straightening her shoulders defiantly. She had nothing to feel guilty about. "I didn't ste

plied, a wicked grin sp

d of disbelief swept through her mind. Hundreds of years ago? Co

could descend upon the village, Talerion, that treache

ishment. "But that was cent

flicking her silver hair disdainfully in Mae's direction before striding

taking view of the mountainous terrain below. Her stomach churned at the dizzying height, reali

ttempting to escape through the windows; you'd be

ring no hope of escape. Besides, even if Mae could flee, they would only retal

of a prison. It was furnished lavishly, with a grand bed draped in luxurious fabrics, a ch

arance. Her hair was tangled and unkempt, a bruise marred her neck, a

ss. But why would they lavish such luxury upon her, considering the crimes of her a

alia's voice sliced through the silence, dripping with mal

en Rhaenan had spoken of it in such terms. Yet, here she

t before exiting the room, leavi

r, a sense of unease settled over her. This was to be her first night away from home

s of the bed canopy and the smooth surface of the wooden dressers. The room seeme

Gowns of silk and velvet hung from golden hangers, each more exquisite than the las

cess, to lose herself in the illusion of luxury. But the reality of her situation

lf had left it unlocked, a gnawing fear crept into her mind. What i

at would stop her from bouncing back in here and sticking her

olt into place with trembling fingers. The soft click of the lock echoed in the s

the dresser. However, her instincts screamed caution, and she resisted the temptation, leaving the knife she found

ng beneath the covers, she shivered against the cold. Sleep danced just beyond her reach, taunting

owling wind outside, she tensed at the sound of hurried footsteps echoing down the corridor. Instinctively,

ows with a weary sigh. The realization dawned that if she remained seque

before her families wealth and security had crumbled away. It had been eighteen years since she last s

Heart pounding, she snatched up the knife once more, poised for c

gh the door, giving her goosebumps. With cautious steps,

mer of mischief as they introduced themselves as Asterin and Astrea, sisters tasked with attending to her needs. They were the women from the dungeon. Mae c

gain?" Mae demanded, her voice

iled warily. "Not exactly so, b

sters had brought her ease and fami

with the preparations for her day. As Astrea's delicate fingers grazed a jar

t," her sister scolded, a note

Asterin, probably the eldest, was a bit taller an

e," Astrea protested with a

, but I don't see any wings on Rhaenan," Mae

s. And yes, faeries do have wings, but they're only summoned when needed," she explained, def

moments. But Asterin's urgent tone pulled her back to reality, reminding her that time was of th

. It was a sleek black ensemble, adorned with intricate swirls of crimson and ivory that danced along its edges. A

eight of rings settling upon her fingers and delicate necklaces drap

g indoors?" Mae questioned, b

int of amusement or apprehension graced her features, leaving Mae to ponder what she was about to

ase prickling at the edges of her consciousn

. Our duty is to attend to your needs. If you require anything," she added, passing Mae

erall, she came from a destitute home in a famine-stricken village

swung the bedroom door open. "

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