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The Howl of new beginnings

Chapter 3 First meeting

Word Count: 1769    |    Released on: 14/08/2024

festive spirit. Maya caught glimpses of her classmates wearing an assortment of colorful outf

he main living room, where music thumped and bodies swayed. "See

g with a group of friends. Tanning in the glow of the neon lights, his tousled hair fram

Delbee prompted, nudging he

er legs moving. She had no idea what she would say, but he

tion. Just as she was about to say hi, with all the confidence she

ate kiss with Jake. The sight of them entwined together, oblivious to the world around them, was like a slap across the face. Maya

ad gushed endlessly about her crush on Jake? Her sister could be so careless sometimes, and it hurt more than anything

f vodka in sight, flipping the cap off in a hasty motion before lifting it to her lips. The burn of the alcohol was fierce, but she welcomed the sensation; it was a

s going to get through this party, she was going to do it just like the adventurous teens who seemed to have the world fi

the clinking of glasses – it all blended into a chaotic melody that beckoned her to let loose. And let loose she did. She surrendered

ctious energy of those around her. With each passing minute and each drink, Maya let the bitterness transform in

ling for dominance. Intrigue, desire, and a creeping sense of responsibility coalesced into something he hadn't felt in a long time. As A

urrowed with concern. "Nik, are you okay? You've been s

swirling within him, but his gaze remained fixed on the crowd.

credulous look. "Nik, you can't get distracted now. We have a contrac

distant. "I can't shake this feeling. She's... something else. We can d

pretty face get to you! Focus

just met. There was a fire in her spirit, a boldness that intrigued him. A part of him wanted

was surrounded by a group of friends, their raucous energy electrifying the atmosphere. He found himself drifting further away from

turning serious. "You need to be sharp. If we're going to est

r of people. Reluctantly, he turned back to Jaronas, but his mind was still e

d, though he could feel a sliver of doubt creeping in. As he and Jaronas maneuvered thro

n after, their presence commanding respect. The leader, a tall, silver-haired woman named Celina, ap

fering a gracious nod. "I appreci

forward to discussing our future," Nikolas replied,

continued, Nikolas found his mind wandering again. He grasped the details here and there, but images

forward, observing him keenly. "Nik, is somethi

Let's continue." He redirected the conversation back to business, forcing himse

with both packs reaching a consensus that would benefit them both. Jaronas cla

tmindedly, his thoughts still linger

here she was again. The girl stood within a cluster, her vibrant energy radiating l

rom Jaronas as he pushed through the crowd. Each step felt both

s laughing, her eyes sparkling with a warmth that felt magnetic. He

You have quite the energy," he said, trying to sound

his song! It's nearly impossible not to dance!" There was a genuine light

introduced himself

e brief contact sent an unexpected jolt through him, and he in

plied, surprised at how easy it was to sha

wow! I didn't realize I was danc

st a guy trying to make the

That sounds like a lot of responsibil

o find moments like this," he gestured around at the ga

why not dance with me? Sometimes, the best way to

u convinced me," he said with a grin, and together they stepped onto the

they twirled and spun under the dim lights. As they danced, the world around them seemed to blur. Maya's laughter mingled with the m

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