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Falling In Love With A Human

Chapter 2 The Vampire Family Abilities part 1

Word Count: 541    |    Released on: 15/08/2024

n Love Wi

tural _ Fantasy


the training grounds. But



size was double of a football pitch. But

was because of the arena bein

lanet all have one thing in common which is fighting. There were five vampire kingdom or otherwise known as five vampire families. Each of the head controls their own family's busines

tion. This family has the ability of Fire: ability to control and manipulate fire. This ability is divided into three stages based on the person's "mutant cell" also known as " MC ". How

": move fire 🔥

t resistance. The HS is only able to mastered by the

. This family has the ability of Ice and their ability is also divided i

ce with th

from nothing also

y and control. This is family is Arthur's family and they have the ability of Earth

earth with

Earth and also able to sen

ction to their vampiric heritage. They are also known as the

uce air and wind str

wind with t

oduce devastating strikes and they

family shrouded in mysteries:

to control th

through shadows also k

ll sorts of things


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