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The secret we keep


Word Count: 445    |    Released on: 15/08/2024

wo years since he left Oakwood, and yet, the memories came flooding back as if no time had passed at all

t was Jake doing back in Oakwood? Why now, after all thi

rming smile and piercing blue eyes. She had thought she'd moved on, that the ache of his depa

heart skipped another beat. She quickly looked away, focusing

change and exchanged knowing glances. Emma kne

Jake, who was now laughing with his old friends, seemingly carefree. She wo

a breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't ready to f

had oth

tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Jake standing

is voice low and smoo

e tried to play it cool. "Ja

between them palpable. Emma knew she needed

k," she stammered, feeling l

moment. "Yeah, I got back last night.

the better of her. "W

lway before focusing on hers again. "I needed a

ved him. But a part of her wanted to trust

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