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Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies

Chapter 7 BEAULIEU

Word Count: 3143    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

essed to Mary that he "hated the hole." Even the steam launch in which they went for picnics did not console him, fond though he was of the sea

ly the young lady, a beauty in her day, jilted him in favour of a wealthy banker of Hebraic origin. Now, many years after, the banker was aged, violent, and uncomely, habitually exceeded in his cups, and abused his wife before the servants. So it came about that to the poor woman the Colonel's courteous, if somewhat sa

ssure you I often admire your foresight. Now, if you had done the othe

herished a sentimental admiration which actually increased with age; "but you didn't always think like that, Richard." Then

sing spectacle. A rather low-class Hebrew who calls himself a Christian, of unpleasant appea

t on. "You really should persuade him to be tidier in his costume, Jane; his ancestral namesake could scarcely have looked more dishevelled after his sojourn

Rawlins, as she took the hand outstretched in farewell. For

ispering to herself: "And to think that I threw over dear Richa

ssed, and still looking very upright and handsome-for he h

. However, she's got the fortune, which was what she wanted, although she forgets it now, and he's got a lachrymose, stout, old party. But how be

chastenings. Whenever he went away he left behind him some aphorism or reflection fille

one weakness-sometimes he did a little gambling, and when he played he liked to play fairly high. Morris accompanied him once to the "Salles de jeu," and-that was enough. What passed there

ossessed a heart, although she was now stout and on the wrong side of middle age. She was aware, too, that the Colonel knew as much, and his scientific pin-pricks and searings of that guileless and unpr

of the best of these exhibitions; "he's got an uncommonly long memory, and likes to come

vantage of their sons' strict observance of the Fifth Commandment. It is easy to turn a man into a moral bolster and sit upon him if you know that an exaggerated sense of filial duty will prevent him from stuffing himself with pins. So it came

its results brought about the return of the Monks to Monksland. Upon a certain afternoon the

ot wish for an unwilling companion, and doubtless your attention is claime

ccustomed truthfulness; "I am go

wish good luck to your fishi

s the boat makes her sick

an ask for the pleasure of

" said Morris, sud

is, that the reques

; if I have anythi

ht I inq

ken to that place to mix with

geance. Perhaps you consider that those

should or should not go; but if you ask me, I think that, u

ances! What c

which leaves us no mone

t and unpleasant. What he said does not matter; let it suffice that the remarks were of a character which ev

up and down the room vituperating Morris, who, with quite a new expression upon his fa

a little quieter? My father is asleep upsta

re are some insults that no man with self

blue eyes; then, looking at him with a pained

wanted to take you to play with him at Monte Carlo this aft

the Colonel, "that already he tre

't he? Now that my father is so we

d control his temper when he liked. "Everyone to their taste; but some matters ar

of things had affected Mary also, and she de

t I quite agree with Morris. I don't think those tables are quite the place to ta

onduct and etiquette we must all bow to the taste and the experience of the young-even those of us who have mixed wi

u know, never agrees with you. Also, I wish you wouldn't abuse Morris for nothing, because he doesn't deserve it, and I don't like it

bout ladies in general and this young lady in

air, and fanned herself w

thing to say always mak

thing, you certainly discovered it," replied Mo

came earnest, "I will not have him talking to you like that. The fact that one man is the father of another man doesn't give him the right to abuse him like a

s. "I daresay you are r

ges to single combat quite at the beginning of things. You m

my father; at any rate, to me," suggeste

en I scratch. As he said the other day, all women are like cats, you know. When they are young they play, when they get old they use their claws-I quot

he was be

d believe that he will, but it is terribly uncertain

rid of me, love?"

e is nothing for you to do, and I feel that you are wasting your time and that you hate

th my experiments, but I don't

If all be well, in another couple of months or so we shall come together for good, and be able to make our own arrangements, according to circ

n after we marry, and

for ourselves-with Dad at Seaview, for instance. He's peaceable enough; beside

And now come for a walk on the beach,

otten the "contretemps" of the previous afternoon. Perhaps this was policy, or perhaps the fact of his having won several

s the table; "if you have nothing to do for a week or so, I wish you wo

ill. Over this question differences had arisen between the agent Simpkins and the rural authorities, who alleged that the said mill would interfere w

hose fellows down. Will you go? because if you won't I must, and I don't want to break into

thought you told me a few months ago that it was quite imposs

h your uncle here, and the matter h

e had suddenly become. His plump, cheerful face had fallen in; the cheeks were quite hollow now; his jaws

ite satisfactorily arranged." Then he looked about rather vacantly, for his mind, it was clear, was far away, and added,

ng a little deaf, and this air makes me so sleepy i


nowadays. Not but that we shall be sorry to lose you, my dear boy; or, at least, one of

his head portentously. Nobody could play the

to go. This "menage" at Beaulieu oppressed him, and he hated the place. B

for you," she said. "Go to your

ondly and went-as

ll be kind to my daughter Mary, won't you? You understand, everybody else is dead-my wife is dead, my boy is dead, and soon I shall be dead. S

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