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Hearts Beyond the Facade

Chapter 4 A Rift in the Façade

Word Count: 3999    |    Released on: 16/08/2024

d shown Emmanuel the envelope, but they hadn't spoken about it since. It lingered in the bac

per. The clinking of silverware against fine china was the only sound in the room. It was moments like these th

nvitation for that charity gala this weekend came in, and I'd like you to attend. It's time you started g

b Hastings-he was the son of a powerful real estate magnate, the kind of

forcing herself to ma

us. I think you'd get alo

is wasn't just an introduction. It was the beginning of a calculated

stings, Father," Lerya said qui

him. "It's not about what you're interested in. It's about the future of this f

felt her pulse quicken as anger rose within her. But she

he park where they often found solace. But today, it didn't feel the same. Ther

her expression. "What's wrong?" he

ing to set me up with Jacob Hastings. It's... it's not just a casual int

it was a deeper fear-fear that her father's plans would s

man stirring an uncomfortable feeling in

. My father... he controls everything. He'll make my

eavily on his shoulders. "Lerya, you don't have to go thro

I wish it were that simple. But it's not. You don't understand how things work in my

out your world, but I understand you. And I know that this isn't

f his words cutting through her doubt. But even as she felt the pull

hisper. "Every day, it feels like our worlds are drifting further apart. M

don't have to walk away. But you have to decide what you really want

ghing down on her like never before. She loved Emmanuel, but the truth was undeniable-

"But I'm scared. Scared that I'll lose everything. Scared

. "I'm scared too," he admitted. "But I'm not giving up on us. I don't care

ed to believe him-to believe that love was enough to conquer the impossible. But the w

ead. The room was filled with the elite-the powerful, the wealthy, the people who shaped t

ir of confidence that immediately set Lerya on edge. He was charming in the

nally meet you," Jacob said,

le. She could feel her father's eyes on

philanthropy, but Lerya's mind was elsewhere-on Emmanuel, on

lan was clear-this was her future, and Jacob was the perfect candidate.

ruptly, pulling her hand

er heart pounding in her chest. She stepped out onto the balcony, t

father had chosen for her, no matter how much pressur

the city lights, Lerya knew that he

chest. The weight of her father's plans felt like chains, binding her to a future she did

ughter, the clinking of glasses. All the sounds of the wor

ect as he seemed on the surface, Lerya knew there was no spark. She didn't want a life of convenience, of

She turned to see Jacob stepping out onto the balcony, his sm

his tone casual but carrying a hint of

just needed some air. It gets

skyline. "I get it. These events can be tedious, but they're impor

. It wrapped around Lerya like a noose

he were letting her in on a secret. "Your father speaks highly of you. You have the potential to b

him, she was an asset, a strategic move in the game of power and wealth. Just like her

nership I'm looking for," Lerya said

nt of surprise flickering in his eyes.

life where she wasn't constantly pulled between duty and desire. But how could she explain

words. "I want to be with someone who understands me. So

en a thousand times before. "I understand, Lerya. I really do. But we can't alwa

om her father, from business associates, from people who lived in

visioned-a life of parties, business deals, and strategic alliances. But there was

id suddenly, her voic

moment she was inside, the sounds of the party assaulted her senses-the music, the laughter, the clinking of glas

modest, a far cry from the grandeur of the Westwood estate, but it was home. Or at least, it had been. Lately, it felt like

fantasy felt more

our," James said, glancing up from the book he was rea

Lerya. She had told him about the gala, about her father's plans, but since then, silence. I

eople," James continued, shrugging. "You know

from the beginning that Lerya's world was nothing like his. But he had never

gan, hesitating. "What i

who's lucky to have you. You're real. You don't have al

," Emmanuel said, his voice tinged with frustration. "He's already trying to

oves you-then none of that matters. Her father, that other guy, the money... it's all

didn't pay the bills. Love didn't protect them from the harsh realities of her world. And the more he

her. "Ah, there you are," he said, guiding her toward a group of business associates. "I was j

her mind was racing. She couldn't keep doing this-couldn't keep pret

to you," she said, her

urrowing slightly. "Can it wait, Lerya? We'r

her resolve hardeni

ut Lerya didn't care. She had spent too long letting him control her, l

her heart pounding in her chest as they

?" Theodore asked,

but strong. "I can't live like this anymore. I can't kee

e a Westwood. You have a responsibility to this family, to our le

voice rising with emotion. "It's my

boy? He's nothing, Lerya. He can't give you the life you deserve.

k down. "Maybe I am. But I'd rather be with someone who l

hard-those same eyes that had looked over countless business deals, making and breaking empires with the stroke of a pen. Lerya had always know

y calm. "Emmanuel is nothing. He has no standing, no future, no place

love is just a fleeting emotion, but to me, it's everything. I can't marry J

aised in privilege, given every opportunity, every advantage, and you think you can throw it all away fo

n't care about the privilege, or the money, or the opportunities if it means losing myself

"You're just like your mother. Idealistic, headstrong, always c

known her mother had been unhappy in her marriage to Theodore, but hearing

ce shaking with anger. "She may not have fit into your perfect

t was, it passed quickly, replaced by the familiar mask of control. "You're going to regret this, Lerya. You'll

he didn't falter. "I won't regret it. I'd rather live a life of uncertain

ay, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt lighter, freer, but also terrified.

uldn't stop thinking about Lerya-what she was doing, whether she was okay. But deeper tha

sure. Love was powerful, yes, but was it enough to bridge the chasm between their worlds? Could

lways known luxury. And yet, she had looked at him as though he was the most important person in the room. That look had been

ty pressing down on him, those dr

ing for a sign. He had to see her, had to talk to her, even if it meant fa

?" James asked, look

voice firm. "I can't keep sitting here,

it, man. Just... be careful. Her world

aid, his voice grim.

ing with the confrontation with her father. She sat on the edge of her bed,

But a part of her hesitated. What if her father was right? What if she was being reckless,

ly, startling her. It w

you? I ne

pped a beat. She

arden. I'll me

the darkened halls of the mansion, she felt the weight of her decision pressing down on her. There was no turning back n

d jasmine filling the night. Emmanuel was already there, standing by

t of place here, in this world of wealth and privilege, b

said softly as s

moment, they just stood there in silence, the w

t just sit there, not knowing what was happening. I need to know whe

o his arm. "I'm in this, Emmanuel. I told my father tonig

ix of relief and disbelief washing over

ng a huge mistake, that I'm throwing away my future. But I don't

ng her tightly, as though he was afraid she might slip away. Lerya buried her face i

murmured into her hair. "But I swear to you, Le

of his words sink into her bones. "We'l

r mind whispered of the challenges still to come-of the battles

on the feel of Emmanuel's arms around her, the warmth

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