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Seduced by shadows

Seduced by shadows

Author: Paschaline

Chapter 1 Endless Realm

Word Count: 5265    |    Released on: 17/08/2024

by princess Scarlet maid s

e gate of the palace was open because warriors of the kingdom would be returning very soon but p

h made all the hairs on her ski

fort to reach t

.." King

r name heavily, which caused her to come to a complete stop. With her heart beating

." She calle

ered nervously. Her heart was still beating either from the

ite skin glowing under the sun. Her black

alcony of the palace throne room, he has

ve lots of things to talk about" king Zhu said walking back into the

he turned and immediately took off running towards the palace with her maids following her from behind.

o tears that she has been holding

least go out th

a pri

ing her father was

nswers to h

this four corners of the palace not for on

see the outside

yone can m

f she didn't know

our men are dieing, the demons are packing our women, the kingdom is in chaos our people are dying".

ing his own bat

is ki

e was stil

but in the history of their lives the

m being terror

for anyone just killing the

history of the kingdom

y his


ures lay their hands on his daughter he might just die, he

can never let anyone

g what do we do to help them..." A minister asked. "Who do we call to he

at every minister before standi

n the next meeting" king Zhu sai

softly. Scarlet opened her eyes turning and toasting on

er once cheerful expression changed into pains, frustration, anger and ha

e" she asked folding he

ression because she looks li

arlet...." R

ess thing why are you here"

en't taken your bath or anything else, so I have to prepare your bath and your

er father but she has to e

she is starving

getting out of the bed and wal

the ancient jacuzzi filled with milk as water and rose flower on the top of the milk giving

be and tied to her self befo

four Maids were inside her

. "Why are you all here" she added str

my lady" A maid replied her r

anoid. "So all of you should leave when I am done you can co

and ran off, rem

id putting her hand at her back

hem treating me like a five year old

ing for you, do you know that

et ready" she said

answered rol

s sweeping the floor. Looking elegant as ever, she

her when she got to

finally settled for a seat close to her father's open. " H

ile I'm not seeing it" her father a

ood to smile" she replied

she started eating eating not looking

with me"? Her father a

ant to eat I might as well leave the room fo

you don't know what the world is made of, it is

lease I beg you don't disobey me"

ed in whispers before walki

er hand and she burst into tears, c

n't be doing this to yourself" ruby said with a wooden tray with packed food on it for the princess, she placed it on the night stand and sat close to scarlet. "Princess please eat your dinner I no you can't sleep well w

I miss you so much, I wish you were here with me today" she said with hot tears dripping from her eyes. " My baby I love you, my baby my love. Sleep now my sweet angel, the moon is out and the sun is

ister said in agony. "Yes, your highness our people are dying" another minister chipped in. "My king tho

le at the throne room across the room in anger heavily in his breath. He has had e

ster who uttered that word but he narrowly escaped the attack and fell on his face and begged for mercy. "Thong tu is like you hate the air you breathe, I might just take it from you the next time you utter that name in the kingdom again" said and sneered.

ng here " king zhu aske

plied with a grin before pecking her on the cheeks. Then the king grabbed her hand softly and they walked hand in hand towards the king's chamber. Getting into the chamber

about " he asked paying attenti

ous expression visible on his face. Scarlet saw through his worries. "Has he been keeping me inside since just because of those demons, I can't tell him I had it, sorry papa" she thought. This is going to be the first time she would ever lie to her father "I didn't hear anything papa, I wanted to ch

been your excuse to escape punishment hmm" king z

rom the couch and took off rushing out of the chamber while the king grinned cheekishly. She will always be his mia, his young a

ted in the underworld, the youngest brother of emperor zu Kai the Lord of underworld the ruler and the ruthless demon eve

mufasar, the excitement in his whole being was undescribable. It has been ages since he last had a good fight "General fengi we have a little problem, the traitor mufasar knows the armies

the sheath from the mouth of the sword and rolled it around skillfully with a dangerous smirk on his lips. shoveling the sword back into the sheath He walked breezy out of the camp chamber with kook following from behind. It is time to embrace the battle field It has been awhile since he last smashed some skulls... In scarlet

ng game and always played by the royal families. " My princess is sun down already, please take your bath while I wil

t on her shoes and rushed to the window after turning off the lights in her bedroom. she then removed a very long rope from the bag she took from under her bed and let it down the window, then tied the end she was holding to her bed then she started climbing down with the help of the rope. Getting to

ARE YOU " the voi

ee the person because of the hood on her head which cover

are yo

guard ask

sent by her to pick up a package from the ma

e for that why not pick up t

ard re

f running like a crazy woman out of the gate. She ran i

ut she still had her wide smile on. As she stands at the edge of the majestic waterfall, the thundering rush of water fills the air, creating a symphony of nature's power. The mist from the cascading water caresses her skin, offering a refreshing embrace as she gazes in awe at the breathtaking sight before her. Her heart races with excitement, fueled by the sheer magnitude and raw beauty of the waterfall. The sheer force of the water crashing down fills her with a sense of wonder, as if she's witnessing something truly extraordinary. The air is charged with energy, and she can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Every droplet of water that dances through the air seems to carry a piece of the waterfall's power, and she's consumed by a sense of exhilaration and freedom. In this moment, everything else fades into the background, and she is completely present, captivated by the sheer force and beauty of the natural world. It's as if time stands still, and she is immersed in a world of pure wonder and excitement, feeling the spray of the waterfall on her face and the thunderous roar in her ears. It's a feeling of being alive, of being in sync with the powerful forces of nature, and she is overwhelmed with a sense of joy and gratitude for being able to experience such a breathtaking spectacle. " IT BEAUTIFUL ..." A scream of shock and excitement escaped the princess's red plum lips. She was about to jump into the water when she heard. "Ahhhhhhhhh_" someone screamed in horror,fear and Anxiety. Which sent chilling down the naive princess spine even though she was scared she wanted to know who was screaming and why. Still debating either to check on the person or not. "Ahhhh_" she heard another scream making her jump in fear with her heart throbbing in her chest. With shaking legs she started taking heavy steps towards where she heard the scream coming from. Walking Into the forest with shaking legs she could still hear the person screaming for help but it seems as though it is not just one person but Many people. And they really needed help. She was hearing roars from the animal which was hurting those people. Which made her want to run but as the princess of this great kingdom she has to save her people. getting hold of a large log of wood and clinching tightly to it, she walked closer to a big tree then she hid behind the tree and looked forth but gazed in horror of what she saw. Right before her was a man with a gigantic figure, with white hair embracing the wind and white robe sweeping the floor. The brock man grabbed a man by the neck and raised him off his feet. Then the Brock man opened his mouth and started soaking out a very dark smoke from the man he was holding. after soaking all of it, the man he was holding turned into dust and vanished into thin air. "Ahhhhhhh....." Princess scarlet screamed in horror as hot tears started rushing down her eyes with her trembling hands trying to cover her mouth. Immediately she screamed, the creepy man turned sharply towards her, making the log of wood which she hid fell from her hand without her knowing, her whole focus was on the creepy man with dark purple eyes staring steadily at her like a predictor staring at his prey. With her whole being trembling in fear, Sienna started taking slow steps backwards still holding the gaze of her predictor. She did a quick turnaround and before you knew it she t


ten all over his face. " It looks like his grace is troubled, may I know why"


e woman standing at the doorstep

s gr

d while bowin

led, what are

doorstep, no one is allowed to step fee

s grace, I thought you mi

mperor didn't notice it, for his mind and Brain were

mpany" the emperor quickly dismissed her and

eins causing her to shook in pain. It's funny enough that he doesn't have a heart but at least he should have seen her love, her desire to be his. The wants and longing in her voice and e

form of an attractive human, luring their victims into dangerous situations. She has been the only lady the emperor interacts with in the underworld so she is well respected and seen ask the future empres

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