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Alpha Tyler: Offered to the Storm Alpha

Chapter 5 His Sweet Offering

Word Count: 1354    |    Released on: 21/08/2024


e table like some sort of a call

almly looking at the stars above as if sh

in which I can't vaguely recognize. I proceed to ap

ser to her. Now, I can hear cl

Brahms Lullaby-bu

" Those words coming from her mouth made me

will soon eat her. B

" my wolf Remus' lau

her eyes grew wide. Then wide

didn't shout or shriek or yell. She sat straight

closed the distance between us and lifted her fro

at I've walked into my feet, standing and walking

of a man than a wolf. I mean, I act more like a man than a wo

laine is suspecting me now. Or

shrieking in her mind. I am a White Wolf whose domain is only limited to the nat

a poker face-my stone-cold wolf face. I am who

n the last time I saw her, which makes it more di

now about and only thought that it is my first time seeing her to prove the notion of

smile in this form which makes

arly, and I can-which makes me blushed more as it proves that she trusts me...or perhaps she has n

, to bed, to be married. Why can't we just go out in Moonburn and date and fall in love with random women just like

om Heart-eaters anyway. And as far as you can see, wolves like to be the dominant-the one th

all, I am a fucking werewolf, and it has been embedded in our soul, been practiced by

nburn and the hidden glorious village of Stella's Soul. As the name suggests, it is the wall that has been erected by

ed by its namesake-the Goddess Stella, the one who make

ves hope. She is also our love deity, the giver and watcher of the sweet and truest kind of love. Selena is the one who rules the domain of bodi

-first century prevail to exist. Mortals only know them as myths. But for us,

uickly and I barely held my laugh as I glanced at her when she saw a huge rocky wall before us that extends to nowhere.

and, despite carrying her on my shoulders. We entered Selena's Wall,

th. I quickly summoned a flame to enlighten the path. Boy, I almost let out a

wizard or something?" s

d me, huh?" I just let the quietud

frustration. We are now back to trekking again for a couple

finally decided to open her eyes when she discerned the cool air. I think I have no words to describe her 'gorgeous' face when

stonished face but at the same time wa

a brute for making fun of 'newcomer' mortal women. I mean, it was kind of f

if I wasn't carrying Elaine on my shoulders, I'll definitely burn an in

with Bryant, which is pretty much comedic especially with his wink, I proceeded to bring

a's Soul, I can obviously see that the frigid temperature is dev

rm, disregarding the wintery weather as wolves are

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1 Chapter 1 Moonburn2 Chapter 2 Sacrificed3 Chapter 3 Werewolves4 Chapter 4 Moonstorm5 Chapter 5 His Sweet Offering6 Chapter 6 Moon-kissed7 Chapter 7 When an Alpha Smile8 Chapter 8 Stormbringer9 Chapter 9 Ungrateful10 Chapter 10 Nightmares at Daylight11 Chapter 12 No.1212 Chapter 13 No.1313 Chapter 14 No.1414 Chapter 15 No.1515 Chapter 16 No.1616 Chapter 17 No.1717 Chapter 18 No.1818 Chapter 19 No.1919 Chapter 20 No.2020 Chapter 21 No.2121 Chapter 22 No.2222 Chapter 23 No.2323 Chapter 24 No.2424 Chapter 25 No.2525 Chapter 26 No.2626 Chapter 27 No.2727 Chapter 28 No.2828 Chapter 29 No.2929 Chapter 30 No.3030 Chapter 31 No.3131 Chapter 32 No.3232 Chapter 33 No.3333 Chapter 34 No.3434 Chapter 35 No.3535 Chapter 36 No.3636 Chapter 37 No.3737 Chapter 38 No.3838 Chapter 39 No.3939 Chapter 40 No.4040 Chapter 41 No.4141 Chapter 42 No.4242 Chapter 43 No.4343 Chapter 44 No.4444 Chapter 45 No.4545 Chapter 46 No.4646 Chapter 47 No.4747 Chapter 48 No.4848 Chapter 49 No.4949 Chapter 50 No.5050 Chapter 51 No.5151 Chapter 52 No.5252 Chapter 53 No.5353 Chapter 54 No.5454 Chapter 55 No.5555 Chapter 56 No.5656 Chapter 57 No.5757 Chapter 58 No.5858 Chapter 59 No.5959 Chapter 60 No.6060 Chapter 61 No.6161 Chapter 62 No.6262 Chapter 63 No.6363 Chapter 64 No.6464 Chapter 65 No.6565 Chapter 66 No.6666 Chapter 67 No.6767 Chapter 68 No.6868 Chapter 69 No.6969 Chapter 70 No.7070 Chapter 71 No.7171 Chapter 72 No.7272 Chapter 73 No.7373 Chapter 74 No.7474 Chapter 75 No.7575 Chapter 76 No.7676 Chapter 77 No.7777 Chapter 78 No.7878 Chapter 79 No.7979 Chapter 80 No.8080 Chapter 81 No.8181 Chapter 82 No.8282 Chapter 83 No.8383 Chapter 84 No.8484 Chapter 85 No.8585 Chapter 86 No.8686 Chapter 87 No.8787 Chapter 88 No.8888 Chapter 89 No.8989 Chapter 90 No.9090 Chapter 91 No.9191 Chapter 92 No.9292 Chapter 93 No.9393 Chapter 94 No.9494 Chapter 95 No.9595 Chapter 96 No.9696 Chapter 97 No.9797 Chapter 98 No.9898 Chapter 99 No.9999 Chapter 100 No.100100 Chapter 101 No.101