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The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

Chapter 6 The sixth chapter

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 23/08/2024

er called out to Laura wh


id snapping out of

?" She asked loo

m" He rep

She said as she open

traight to her mother's room to check up on her

while opening every

er's faint voice called o

aid wrapping her

ught I was going to come back early. I di

that you are doing things for yourself. You spend so much time ta

you M

up and make breakfast for my

n go and rest." Laura said while e

ourself last night?

ngly I did." La

this and even more." She replied wi

your breakfast. We can ask me all the details lat

be waiting" She repli

kfast at Alexander's house so she was okay. Even if she didn't have

the firm and her shift at the cafe was not

began ri

e whispered as she made

he gasped as she loo

last night." She said immediat

ck me up after you left me for that fi

Anita" Laur

xander Russo? Girl, how on e

Carlos at the firm

the tea. I don't

conversation and that was it. I was so shocked to see him at the

ht at his place?" Ani

at happened. I'm still in shock" Lau

is country is in love with that man and you just got h

with someone like me. He has rejected rich and successful women. So what makes you think I stand a chance with someone

ith him would have just ended at the office, he wouldn't have walked

irl but I ha

y the cafe later this eve


replied while hangi

ossibly like me. Wake up Laura" S

Laura began dressing up for

and returned to her room to get dres

while struggling to

in 30 minutes. I made lunch and it's

Laura" She

replied planting a ki

to call if you

ls from last night kept coming back to her. She couldn't stop thinking about him,

he has completely forgotten that I even exist while I'm here

ey the head chef ca

snapped back

w but you seem really distant today. Are you oka

e replied trying t

ur mother's sickn

is getting b

w cause this is quite unusual." He replie

really appreciate

minute." She whispered as she mad

at this penthouse battl

ver made him feel this

bout her and this made him restle

nt" He thought

nd that is quite new cause most ladi

with me. Is her mother really sick or i

pson. Who a

hts that clouded his hea

opped his glass of wine on the table

office, picked up his phone

the other end of the receive

detail, do not leave out anything, no matter how unimportant you

s s

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