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Moonlit Vengeance

Chapter 4 Suspicion

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

y from the politics and power struggles of the broader werewolf community. He replayed the events of the previous night in his mind. His pack had been gathered around the fire, laughin

ir midst, and they had just claimed their first victim. Returning to the camp, Klaus summoned his pack for an emergency meeting. He explained what he had found, his voice grim and his eyes steely. "We have a traitor among us," he announced, his words cutting through the stunned silence. "Someone has been feeding information to our enemies, and that has cost us the lives of our packmates. I will not stand for it." The pack erupted into a flurry of angry voices, with everyone demanding to know who the traitor was. Klaus raised his hand, silencing them with a wave. "I don't know who it is yet, but I promise you, I will find out. In the meantime, I want everyone to stay vigilant. Keep an eye on one another, and report any suspicious behavior to me immediately. We cannot afford to let our guard down." As his packmates dispersed, Klaus felt a heavy weight settle on his shoulders. The trust that had once bound them together had been shattered, and he knew that rebuilding it would be no easy task. But he was determined to get to the bottom of this betrayal, even if it meant putting his own life on the line. Over the next few days, Klaus continued to monitor his pack closely, watching for any clues that might lead him to the traitor. He interviewed each member individually, asking probing questions and scrutinizing their reactions. Some were defensive, others were visibly shaken, but no one seemed to be hiding anything. Frustrated, Klaus retreated to his cabin, pouring over the maps and trying to piece together a timeline of the attack. As he studied the locations and the evidence, a thought began to take shape in his mind. What if the traitor was not one of his packmates at all? What if it was someone from outside their community, someone who had infiltrated their ranks and was feeding information to their rivals? Klaus's eyes narrowed as he considered this possibility. I

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