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The Charm of a Specialist Surgeon

Chapter 26 Naya was shocked and tried to stay calm

Word Count: 749    |    Released on: 28/08/2024

Arkan's attention, but that feeling quickly turned into anxiety when she saw Rafi standing in the li

with quick ste

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1 Chapter 1 Of all the surgeons in this hospital2 Chapter 2 She knew the risks3 Chapter 3 With strong determination4 Chapter 4 Naya also returned home5 Chapter 5 Dark Night6 Chapter 6 Naya held Arkan's hand gently7 Chapter 7 Arkan gave a faint smile8 Chapter 8 Mornings at the hospital were calm9 Chapter 9 Days passed quickly at the hospital10 Chapter 10 welcome home11 Chapter 11 It was a tense day at Naya's house12 Chapter 12 The day after Rafi's proposal13 Chapter 13 After a few weeks of living in Arkan's apartment14 Chapter 14 Wedding Preparations15 Chapter 15 Painful Phone Calls16 Chapter 16 Meeting with Mrs. Rita17 Chapter 17 Naya's Reflection18 Chapter 18 Mother Rita's request19 Chapter 19 Conversation Stopped20 Chapter 20 During the operation21 Chapter 21 Naya woke up in the morning22 Chapter 22 After the conversation23 Chapter 23 Just a few days after their wedding24 Chapter 24 Daily Work25 Chapter 25 After Arkan left26 Chapter 26 Naya was shocked and tried to stay calm27 Chapter 27 The following days28 Chapter 28 Her body shook29 Chapter 29 As she sat on the edge of the bed30 Chapter 30 Arriving at the restaurant31 Chapter 31 Meanwhile32 Chapter 32 He knew that in the end33 Chapter 33 Without showing any emotion34 Chapter 34 Naya felt lonely in the small35 Chapter 35 who in this story36 Chapter 36 Midwife Siti37 Chapter 37 Maya smiled slightly38 Chapter 38 Rafi whispered hoarsely39 Chapter 39 With mixed feelings40 Chapter 40 feeling tired and frustrated41 Chapter 41 After a few moments of silence42 Chapter 42 his mother asked in a worried tone43 Chapter 43 Naya tries to survive44 Chapter 44 Naya immediately stood up45 Chapter 45 Naya smiled softly46 Chapter 46 Suddenly47 Chapter 47 While daydreaming48 Chapter 48 Today is the day that has been awaited49 Chapter 49 For the rest of the day50 Chapter 50 Naya smiled awkwardly51 Chapter 51 He didn't like feeling weak52 Chapter 52 After a few minutes of tense silence53 Chapter 53 Naya stood in the kitchen54 Chapter 54 On a bright and cold day55 Chapter 55 the sun was shining brightly56 Chapter 56 with a gentle smile on her face