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The Heart's Secret; Or, the Fortunes of a Soldier: a Story of Love and the Low Latitudes.


Word Count: 3255    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he endurance of master and slave; and thousands had already sought that early repose which is so essential to the dwellers in the tropics. Stillness reigned over the drowsy city, save

a fairy whisper, reverberating to the ear from the opposite shore of Regla, and the frowning walls of

n lent a softened hue to the scene, not so bright to the eye, and yet more golden far than moo

a keen observer might have seen the lurking effects of pride and power, a consciousness of her own extraordinary beauty, and the control it gave her over the hearts of those of the other sex with whom she associated. Alas! that such a trait should have become a second nature to one with so heavenly a form and face. Perhaps it was

the present period of our story. Isabella, though she was not wanting in natural tenderness and affection, had yet outgrown the loss of her parent; but the more sensitive spirit of the boy had not yet recovered from the shock it had thus rece

hat fearful night," said Senorita Isabella, as s

er," said the boy recalling t

utiful it seemed just befo

er," said

nce, with her soft white sai

rkling moon

; and we have a night

toutly that Lieutenan

, though, that he is Capt

t against us! He held me way up above the water, while he was quite under it himse

aid Isabella, as she stooped down and kissed her brot

see that Captain Bezan again. I have never seen him since th

asked Isabella, startin

othing," s

she continued, nerv

as it sprang at the same time from a crouching posture,

lofty stone wall that made a portion of the stone barracks of the army, a man leaped to the ground. The hound suddenly crouched, the moment it fairly reached the figure of the new coiner,

said Isabella, to her brother, drawing nearer t

he never behaves in that wa

but here he comes,

flash of spirit and color across his usually qu

said Isabella, courtesying c


" said the Senorita Isabella Gonzales, somewhat severe

to pause for one moment, you will at once realize that it was the only mode o

always open," replie

oud, I grant you, lady,

to meet me through the ordinary channels of society, do you not see the impr

ng, hear nothing but m

lady, with a curl of her

have read nothing that I did not couple in some tender way with thee; have nursed no hope of ambition or fame that was not the nearer to raise me to thee, and over the midnight lamp have bent in earnestness year after year, that I might gain those jewels of the mind that in intelligence, at least, would place me by thy side. At last fortune befriended me, and I was able by a mischance to

little aroused at the plainness of his speech. "H

ow far off in the blue ether was the star I worshipped. Little did I then think that I should now stand so near to

said Isabella, shrinking fro

e, "it is impossible for such love as mine to lead to

e me,

ly; if you will deliberately bid me, who have so often praye

mpromise me by this pr

life, reputation, all that is valuable to me in life

nd music there is in

a, to h

ez's life, Isabella hardly knew what to say, and she stood thus half confused, trotting her pretty foot upon the path of

ertain such feelings towards me? the audacious

ining power. I felt that love like mine could not be in vain. I was sure that such affection was never

ence with his imperti

pettishly. "I don't kn

lace at once," she said, at

ray and hope for the next meeting between us, when y

sir," sai


roaching them from a short distance in the r

e quite recovered, I trust, from the effects o

m quite rec

h leap for on

the boy, with a shud

hand incontinently to Captain Bezan, in the enthusiasm of the moment, influenced by the sincerity o

o him, when dropping all reserve for the moment, not only her tongue, but her eloquent eyes spoke from the tenderness of

ly to his lips, and, as if feeling that he had gone almost too far, with a gallant wave of the hand he suddenly

ook for a while, then said half to hersel

ng me court this half year and more, and either of them would give half his fortune for a kiss of this hand, and yet neither has dared to even tell me that they love me, though I know it so well. But here is this young soldier, this new captain of infantry, why he sees me but half a minu

d Ruez, looking up calmly

will, b

d the boy, gently, and car

ing and kissing his handsome forehead, as

y life, sister," re

girl, thoughtfully; an act that we can never repay; but it w

," suggested the boy, s

hocking for him to b

ng you when you look kind to me, and I am

abella, biting the han

continued the boy, pretending to be engaged with the ho

mused Isabella, in reply to her brother's r

Harero, or the lieutenant-general, are none of them half so g

would never have leaped into the water to save your life. But I'll never for

u will,

ill vex me if you say so a

as he followed close upon his sister's footsteps tow

d out his devotions at her feet in such simple yet earnest strains as to carry conviction with every word to the lady's heart. Image, even from the most lowly, is not without its c

ette, she was certainly very near being one. The light in which she regarded the advances of Captain Bezan, even puzzled herself; the phase of his case and the manner of his avowal were so far without prece

way in which he could meet me on terms of sufficient equality for conversation. Per

ove greatly thinned in numbers? He was no moody lover. Not one to die for love, but to live for it rather, and to pursue the object of his affection and regard with such untiring and devoted service as to deserve, if not to win, success. At least this was his resolve. Now and then

ence and perseverance are excellent qualities, but they are not certain criteria of success. Lorenzo Bezan had aimed h

ce?" asked a brother officer, as he entered his

ldier, most honestly; though perhaps he told the truth as

y? By our lady, what folly! Don't you remember the pr

ate with her I love er

ng at his comrade's

?" asked the other, now t

my life, I assure

ay? Come, relieve your c

s," said the young soldier, smiling, and with really t

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