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My Brutal Ex-husband Wants Me Back

Chapter 3 I Was Kidnapped

Word Count: 1239    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

g on it, worrying on the matter between my ex-husband and I, how he had been making a move, an aggressive move to take me back to himself. I was kidnapped. How I got to th

rand. He had wanted to go. His body wouldn't al

assist her this time?" He asked, his hands requesting that I lift him up from the bed. I wouldn't want him to go, but I don't know w

ld eat on time and use his drug. I told my Mum, who was l

ss yourself on things like this. Remain in the kitchen, I would go, Mum", I told her, she was, ne

y went to

or was suddenly opened. Unfortunately. Four armed men from the inside came out. They forced me into the vehicle. It was a swi

ht I had died. Not until I suddenly woke up. I found myself in the midst of armed men. I began to shed tears. But it seemed th

"I know Morgan has sent you to abduct me. I'm ready to return t

eir faces with masks and turned deaf ears to all

and assaulted but I wasn't touched, even though I was slapped and beaten. Nevertheless, I wondered if these people w

This isn't Morgan. Morgan couldn't even affor

But I couldn't see Morgan. I tried looking for him if I could find

told, was threatening to abdu

o scorn. I was praying in my mind that my mother wouldn't die as a result of this. I was also praying that my sick c

an. He was struggling with them. As he was struggling, they flogg

I exclaimed

their victims morning, afternoon, and evening. They gave us bread

nse I had done and who I had of

sleep fell on me. While I was having that s

asked, jumping up

ers. He wore a suit and had a long tie. He was cute. The affection I had for him when we first married seemed to have

l echoed, when he u

-echoed, behaving and speaking l

e appearances were rough asked him to just waste my life. They sai

, he called, "

s mu

girl has taken you for granted, boss. Just let us wa

anded them

shouted, like a

my kidnappers obse

on that, I am not killing you now. I am letting you go for now, but not forever. Just remember your experiences. When you get back t

I responded, m

h the vehicle they had earlier used. They hit me on the head again. I fell unconscious. They drop

le removed the gag from my mouth, and rushed me

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