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Beneath The Billionaire's Armor


Word Count: 1508    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

Though the classroom's tension had relaxed somewhat, their unspoken re

d stayed late to catch up on research and grading, his mind kept returning to Georgia. He noticed

revious chat concluded professionally, he couldn't suppress his mounting intere

midnight oil," Elias spoke soft

omingdale," she said, a little smile flashing on

ias sat across from her

expressing a mix of warines

d a serene, nearly personal environment. Every now and then Elias looked at Georgia, noting the resolute set of her j

et and asked, "What

I'm looking into how early trauma affects grownup

s a vital field of research. Many of who w

grabbed Elias. She was a thinker, someone who questioned and pursued greater knowledge, not only a conscientiou

as to relating human stories. Georgia shared to Elias her background, challenges, and will to ch

find myself studying psychology here, at this university. Though it was

h him. " Though the road isn't always clear, lif

ntle and unexpected softness neither of which either expected. Opening in ways he hadn't previou

handled you that night." It was unjust and untrained. I wa

ate. "Thank you, Elias. Thank you for it. A

ng between them. Their constructed walls start

adicting feelings. Beyond the obvious appeal, he developed a growing attraction to Georg

preciate these talks. But I wish not to complicate matt

eyes. "Knowing, Elias. For me as well, it's unclear. We

ging in the air weighing us. At last Georgia broke

gia," Elias said

elationship was indisputable, but so were their obstacles. He understood t

ut the next days. Although their classroom interactions were professional, there were f

ternoon as he was concluding his presentation.

right, Georgia

of vulnerability and will. "I wanted to thank you once

m. Georgia, anywhere at any time. I

distance between them as she turned to go. He mo

plied, his voice

sion in the air between them crackled,

someone interrupted. "May I ha

g at the doorway was lost. He saw Georgia grin gen

their relationship was deepening, the challenges they encountered were also strengthening. The distinction b

n't describe, he felt drawn to her; the tug got stronger the more he attempted to remove himself. Though he unde

entrated on her studies, but her contacts with Elias had set up emotions she had not expected. She st

moment drawing them closer while underlining the challenges they encountered. Unq

and got a note from Georgia. Meeting at the library was a st

en he got there, her face a mi

connection we have. But I'm afraid. Terrified of what that means f

, I have the same impressions. For me also, this is not s

n them. Though the future was unknown, at the same inst

h understood that whichever route they took would not be simple. But for the first time

lexity of their relationship with honesty and bravery towards the future. And their hearts wer

ace, and perhaps just maybe she could make this work. Though Elias also experience

st yet. Elias glanced at Georgia, his heart thumping in his

own heartbeat echoing his.

a kiss that spoke of all their unspoken feelings. Under the gentle glow of the moon, they st

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