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Chapter 1 The Hunt Begins

Word Count: 1662    |    Released on: 01/09/2024


y, casting golden light on the leaves, making them shimmer like tiny mirrors. I could feel the pulse of the earth beneath my feet,

?" Susan, my inner wolf, whispered

by. Intruders. A low growl rumbled in my chest, dangerous and feral. I moved quietly, my moves

. We should teach them a lesson," Susan

arned. "Let's see what

couldn't place it. Crouching low, my heart pounded in my ears as I studied them. Their outlines were highlighted by the moonlig

pered to myself, my

Susan asked, her

t me. "But there's something about h

a fighter, trained to strike without pity,

lending into the darkness, holding my breath as his gaze swept over wher

ghtning hitting my heart. I knew those eyes. But how? Wh

this way?" Susan's voice shook

rward, his eyes narrowing as if he were tr

Who are you?" I whispered under my breat

I paused, my mind filled with questions. The other hunts moved lazily through the forest, una

oftly, almost to himself. His face wrinkled

ike this. Shaking off the strange link I felt, I readied myself to pounce. Bu

ing in the moonlight. It dangled from his fingers, swinging gently ba

f's head cut into the metal, the eyes made of tiny emeralds. I had seen it a thousand times in my childhood, watched

t?" Susan's voice quivered w

arching for answers. "This... this belonged to s

ll rose within me. How did this hunter have my mother's pendant? What did it

irring the leaves with a sound like faraway whispers. Every urge screamed at

ding, his face changing from confusion to something darker, more de

ice the hunts circling around me. My feelings told me to run,

oice cut through the night, loude

They followed his eyes, their guns at the ready,

ounting down to something inevitable. My mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. H

arrowed as he stepped closer, his hand reaching toward the shadows where I hid

uld decide what to do

s flying through the air. I responded automatically, my muscles tensing as I sprang up, bar

elf, but another net caught me, pulling me down. The hunters shouted in victo

capture us!" Susan's voice was a despe

the noise. "Don't hurt

nst the bonds that held me. My vision blurred with rage and frustrat

Who are you?" he asked, his voice quieter now, filled

torm of feelings inside me. I could feel the weight of my mother's pend

ant?" I growled, my voice

he said slowly, as if trying to piece together a problem in his thoughts. "She t

was no way a human hunter could be connected to my pack, to my family.

g it around my arms and pulling me down to my knees. I snarled, baring my

oice filled with a strange mix of determination and

of my control slipping, Susan screaming inside me, demanding to be released. But even as I fought, I

desperation that matched the storm in my hea

king for answers I didn't have. How could I explain the link I felt, the

with emotion, his grip on the pendant ti

I could see the confusion in Luca's eyes, the fear and desire that reflected my own. But be

shivers down my foot. It was close-too close. My heart raced as I rec

e dark forest as the howls grew louder, closer.

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