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Love My Baby Sitter

Chapter 5 you're not alone

Word Count: 578    |    Released on: 02/09/2024

Leo from his school. Time passed and the children began to come out one by one. Clara saw Leo appear in the crowd of children, his smile b

approaching the group of children surrounding him. Several children were se

't have a mother," one of

's why he's all alone," anoth

opped the children who were bullying Leo. "Hey, you guys!" Clara called out in a

one of them shyly answered, "Leo doesn't

n you can hurt Leo's feelings. Everyone has their own reasons for

muttering softly. Clara immediately knelt in front of Leo,

?" Clara asked softly, try

. "They said I don't have a mother. I hate my mother for le

tightly. "Leo, don't hate your mother. Your biological mother may have had her own re

ra tightly. "But I don't know

is hard, Leo. It hurts so much when someone we love is gone. But you have to remember

still filled with tears. "Bu

important not to let it control us. Learning to forgive and understand is an important ste

his cheeks. Clara stood up and helped Leo up from the grou

games with him to take his mind off of what had just happened. On the way home, Clara h

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