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The Billionaire's Fairy Bride

Chapter 9 A Flicker of Light

Word Count: 1602    |    Released on: 02/09/2024

nto her bones, making her shiver uncontrollably. Her fingers, trembling with fear and exhaustion, traced the rough stone walls as she stumbled blindly through the darkness,

at if she never found a way out? What if she was trapped here forever, forgotten and left to rot in the bowels of the estate? The thought

drifted back to a memory from long ago, a memor

Dangone Empire. The forests were filled with ancient trees that whispered secrets to those who could listen, and flowers that glowed softly un

. She had been so enchanted by the delicate creature that she hadn't noticed how far she had gone until it was too

e trees grew taller and denser, blocking out the last rays of sunlight. Soon, she found herself standing

d stepped inside, the cold air wrapping around her like a shroud. The deeper she went, the darker it became, until she could no longer see h

with sobs as she waited for someone to find her. But no one came. The darkness was endless, the fear all-co

hing extraordin

t was soft and gentle, like the rustle of leaves in th

d her like a comforting embrace. "You are connected to the earth, the sky, and t

ucted. She had closed her eyes, blocking out the darkness, and reached deep within herself,

om her chest to the very tips of her fingers. It was a small spark at first, just a tiny flicker of light in the vast darkness, but it was enou

she bega

The light grew brighter and stronger, banishing the darkness and filling the cave with a warm, comfortin

through the forest, and it had led them straight to the cave where she had been hiding. When they found her, she was still glowing, he

ial, that her connection to the earth, the sky, and the sun was stronger than that of any fairy he had ever kn

might attract. She had hidden her magic away, locking it up behind walls of fear and doubt. And now, in the darkness of the Blackw

years ago. The cold stone beneath her hands was a harsh reminder of her reality, but

words a mantra she clung to with all her might. "You are a

she refused to give up. She reached deeper, searching for that

but it was there. The warmth spread from her chest, flowing through her veins, filling her with a sense of h

t first, barely enough to illuminate the small room she was trapped in, but it was enough to give her

tarted to feel the fear melt away, a thought flash

en e


nce a beacon in the darkness. The light that had been growing within her suddenly flared, becoming brighter, stronger, more intense. The memory of

ght flared, s

he think of her? Would he see her as a threat, just like E

he light had flared, it began to dim. The fear, the doub

nd a way out, she had to warn Damian, to h

e, still strong enough to guide her through the darkness. She would find a way out of this, she would survive,

in the dark room. She didn't know what would happen next, but she knew one thing for certain: she w

ot hide her light. This ti

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