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Entangled with a baby

Chapter 3 Sansa Stark

Word Count: 1509    |    Released on: 08/09/2024

ir. Long story short, I wish to ask for an increase in my salary." Taking a deep breath. She Paused, said a little prayer

e released. Laura would give anything right now to have a life worth living for. A degree in Economics, she really can't count how many times a day she throws herself a pity party. Working two-not so fun- jobs. no friends, a sorry excuse of a boyfriend and a dry bank account. At least I'm not pregnant. "Thank you Harry." Laura said, waving the cab man who just dropped her in front of Mr McGorrith's mansion. A castle sitting pretty on the upper east side of Manhattan. Phew! Let's do this babies. Laura decided to use a moment, taking in the house, as she stood behind the gigantic gate, admiring the beautiful stone entrance. Just before pressing the buzzer, announcing her arrival at the house she took a quick glance at her phone to check for the time. 7:17am. When She pressed the buzzer again for the second time she noticed her shaky hands, sweaty palms The damn sweat! And her skin had suddenly gone pale. Not to mention her panicking thoughts. It's just a random Monday morning. I shouldn't be anxious for godsake!. The gate opened and Laura found herself trying to gather her thoughts as she still hadn't been able to shake off all what Mockingbird had said, not noticing Mr Alex who was by the side of the gate giving her a warm welcome. "Miss laura, hello miss laura you okay?" he gave her a small pinch by the arm to get her attention as she walked past him. "Ouch" she jerked almost immediately Giving him a nervous laugh while she ran her hands through her hair she joked "ohhh Hi Alex good morning I was just trying to see how long I could try ignoring you without you noticing.?" please don't call me out on my obvious lie. "I'm sorry, I hope I did not offend you" she added. Still chewing on her cheeks. She looked up to the house and noticed almost all the lights were on. Weird. He's supposed to be in the gym by now and what's with all the noises coming from the house. "You mind telling me what's on your mind?" Mr Alex tugged at her. Bring her out of her thoughts. "You good?" He probed further. "Ohhh it's nothing really, just that..." a loud crashing sound disrupted their conversation. But before she could even get another word out, the sounds from the house got louder. Turning to Alex who was supposedly the gatekeeper she asked him about what the hell was going on in the house. "I honestly have no idea what's going on with him and that girl he brought over last night. But they've been going at it for over an hour now" he hissed not masking his monotonous voice. The house had suddenly gone quiet. Girl?? Mr McGorritth has never been the violent type. And there's a woman still in h

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