Fear men
the school because of his outward looks. His mother Christy was a very good friend to aunty Linda, who happens to be a teacher in the school where Emmy was schooling. One night
ts, he decided to accept. The next day been Sunday, aunty Linda came to Emmy's house to take him with her. Aunty Linda was there when Emmy's parents left. When Emmy got home with Aunty Linda, she showed him to his room. It was a three rooms apartment and well furnished. That night, Aunty Linda prepared food and they had their dinner and went to bed. The next day been Monday, she woke up before Emmy and prepared for school and left with Emmy. Emmy was never comfortable around aunty Linda because of how she behaves towards him. Aunty Linda once admired Emmy because of his out wards looks and she uses the advantage of been his mother's friend to get close to him. That night, while Aunty Linda was taking her bath ,her phone began to ring and she kept the phone beside, Emmy i