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A love with the princess

A love with the princess

Author: Ebu love

Chapter 1 The warrior princess

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 05/09/2024

rincess Lynn. However, despite being introduced to many princes, Lynn couldn't find love among them. This wo

Princess Lynn asked, look

s," he said. "I have something troubling m

hat is it, Father? Is it abou

esented to you. What is really the problem, Princess Lynn? Bring home a man you love, a man who can take pr

u called me, Fa

I don't expect this from you. The rejection, even to the point of r

we talk about this next time?" Lynn aske

king, is saying to you? Listen to me, daughter. You are not a warrior but to be guarded by them. Whatever has gotte

mother, I have always dream to be the strongest warrior, not just to rule whatev

h Lycan the kingdom strongest warrior against our enemies. Your name spread round like an hammatta season, you have even done more than I exp

ve me, rather the love the strength

of as a spinster. You have to choose among the princes who

I found a true love. Not those st

ed and about to leave her parent present. Whe

ncess Lynn said to the guar

eover powered my guard."

disobeying you. Instead trying to grab my own pieces of joy. Allow me get the one t

e a small Kingston, have promised his mother to make princess

at large. I will advise you choose from among the maiden here, than placing your hands where it can't reach. We are not recogni

und peace of mind whenever I remember o

Princess Lynn is different. She seeks true love, not just a political alliance. I wa

. "Very well, Kingston. If you are set on this path, you have my

with Lycan, the kingdom's strongest warrior. "You seem di

why I can't just choose a prince and settle down. They don't see that I

re, Princess. But I believe you will find i

arrived with a letter, with a written word on it. "


ou, not as a prince seeking a bride, but as a man who admires your spirit and wishes to know you b

d curiosity. This letter was different from the others she h

ssenger. "Who gave you

st part. I only picked it from the floor when it la

ked at Lycan. "Whose handwriting

handwriting. "The letter seems interesting, and I

r back home. She wrote a reply, wonderin

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