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Author: Mary AIO

Chapter 1 The Contract

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 06/09/2024

of the Prescott family house, nervously tracing

he ticking of a grandfather clock, appeared to press in

ords still felt strange, like if they were f

rents smiled and held her and her brother James tight. They were no longer with th

r thoughts and brought her back to the present. He sat ac

heavy. "I'm sorry, I... I just

ow this isn't what you wanted. It's not what I wanted for you either, but we're out of optio

in her stomach. The Prescott family business, a once-thriving company th

g in debt. And now, their only chance of salvation lay in the hands o

ispered, her voice trembling. "Why does Adrian wa

know, Lena. Maybe it's some twisted way of getting

. If you sign that contract, the debt is wiped cle

r mind racing. She had loved Adrian once, so d

s before Victoria, Adrian's younger sister, had died. A night

na's voice was barely a whisper a

d do something, anything, to fix this. But we're out of time. If yo

threatened to spill over. She thought of her parents, how

r dreams. And now, she was about to give up everythi

lly said, her voice ho

He pulled her into a tight hug, holding he

a savior. She felt like sh

ommitting herself to a man who hated her, who blamed her for a tragedy she couldn't even rem

y longer. The deal was done. She was bound to Adrian Calloway in a way t

s hard, but maybe... maybe it won't be as bad as you

hange Adrian's mind. He had made it clear that this marriage was a business transaction, nothing more. A way f

he contract she had just signed. She knew that her life was abo

er after. Only a cold, loveless marriage and the c

drian was waiting for her, ready to claim her as his wife. And as much as she tried to brace herse

houghts. She turned to see James standing in t

y?" he asked, step

r chest told her otherwise. "I'll b

nto another hug. "I'm so sorry, Le

ateful for his presence.

he had sacrificed her dreams, her freedom, and her heart to save her family. And in doing so, sh

the reality of her situation sank in. She was no longer Lena P

ife of a man who would stop at nothing

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