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The Secret heiress revenge

Chapter 4 At the party

Word Count: 1563    |    Released on: 06/09/2024

come and help out? Was he ashamed of me or what?" I said out loud looking at the mirror. My makeup was almost wiped up with my tears. Or could Leonard be in love

onard for everything I wanted. I trusted him with my whole life and decided to be a full housewife. His mother would be the only that could still help his marriage to stand still. I cleaned my tears and left the bathroom back to party. Everyone was I'm merry, all smiling and laughing. I just had to go to the table of people we were sitting with before my dress got stained. "What do you think about this jewelry, Cherry?"Cordelia and the other women were in some fashion discussions but my mind was far gone. I looked at her with an ignorant face."Argh, what!" "Are you fine? It seems like your mind is far gone."She asked me with a concerned face. "I am fine . I am just tired."I was feeling tired and weak at that moment. Not only was I tired, but I could also feel a sharp pain that was propounding in my abdomen. As I was still sitting where the other ladies were, I could not control the way I was feeling. I wanted to go away from the vicinity I was because it seemed like I was going to collapse anytime from that moment, to not cause any scene. I noticed that my sight was already blurry as I took a step to leave where I lost balance and collapsed. "Cherry!Cherry!Cherry!", Cordelia called my name after being absent-minded before she then tapped me. AT THE HOSPITAL I woke up to see myself on a bed in a place I did not know. I turned to my right and saw a drop that was already injected into my body. "Thank goodness, you are awake."Cordelia was excited after she had seen that I had woken up. "Where am I and what happened to me?" I was looking surprised. "You are in hospital, darling. You collapsed at the party and we had to quickly rush you to the hospital."I tried to sit up on the bed but I had migraine. "Argh!My head." I placed my right hand on my head. "Don't stress yourself, honey."She helped me to sit up properly on the bed. "Where is my husband? Does he know I am at the hospital?" I asked with a pale face. "Yes,he knows. But he has not been around. I guess he went for an appointment with Vivian Gallante, the model that came yesterday." "How many days have I been here ?" "Since yesterday." "But why would Leonard know that I am in the hospital and not come check up on me?" "Please can you get me my phone?" "Urgh, it's right here", she brought out my phone . Her phone beeped out. "Please excuse me."I also tried calling Leonard and luckily he picked. "Hello, Leonard" he cut the phone call after he had heard my voice. Well, since he did not pick my call, I called my driver to come and pick me. Cordelia entered

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