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Mated to My Twin Brother

Chapter 3 Daughter

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 08/09/2024

form toward their pack's territory. The pack members in the clearing fell silent at the sight of their Alpha approaching them with the injured

"We will find out, Maxine." As the healer went on with her work, she peered deeply into the eyes of Winter to try to find some kind of abnormality in them. Winterlay with her eyes closed, but the keen eyes disclosed to the healer something very astonishing. The color of the eyes had changed: the left was blue and the right a mixture of yellow and blue as they had fluttered open. The healer's heart skipped a beat; this was no common finding. Only seldom had coloring of the eyes been seen, and it reminded her of the child so tragically lost those many years ago. Her mind ran back to days of war and loss to the time when her own child, Hadzen, had been a boy with such like eyes. There was unmistakable likeness, and the sight of Winter's eyes brought memories and emotions flooding into her mind. The healer's voice was even, though it shook slightly with emotion, as she spoke. "This is no ordinary happening. These eyes... they are a rare and key trait in our pack. It was thought lost to us during the conflict with the civilians." Maxine's breath hitched as she listened, her mind reeling with the implications of the healer's words. She had always held on to a sliver of hope, knowing that her lost child might one day return. The connection between Winterand Hadzen seemed impossible yet undeniable. The healer carefully closed Winter's eyes, Maxine hands shaking slightly as she spoke. "If she truly is of the bloodline, then she may be the twin of my lost child. Hadzen was to have had a twin, a rare gift that was thought lost to us forever. Seeing these eyes. brings back hope." Relief and trepidation swept over Maxine like a storm. The prospect of this lost twin being found was almost too much to bear. Long years of conflict and loss had never caused her to lose hope. If this woman named Winterwas indeed her long-lost twin, a possibility that now loomed ahead of her, she felt herself torn between a complicated mix of joy and apprehension. Alph's eyes softened as he looked at Maxine. "We have to be certain. We have to

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