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The Cold-Hearted Vampire and the Slave

The Cold-Hearted Vampire and the Slave

Author: Alphamini

Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 992    |    Released on: 08/09/2024


ches, warlocks, werewolves, humans, and mermaids were living in harmony ruled by their king Chand also kn

ss Erika and they accept it. But when they know the intention b

te a misunderstanding between every creature and when that didn't work out as he planned

e brainwashes their brain against Queen and the king. Then the real destruction began all the crea

o defeat them. The council consists of the five strongest and intelligent clans the Ellwood the strongest cl

e snake monster Roshan. But before dying the queen manages to capture him in a coffin and send the people or creature who gives him support

od's mansion to make sure that nobody could release him and that he couldn'

directly goes to the god to g

ster win against us in

neither you nor him it's a tie between you and R

lways win the war against

ing happens in this world happens

hind all these things

for some time to

coffin, that spell that I used to capture him i

am planning everything

s that can

newborn but when they take a birth they will not remem

o say something when

I don't like being interrupted while talking b

te she will get her memory back and she will tell everything that happened still she dies to his brother and he will ge

sing a most important detail. I mean how can s

w, anything you want t

u keeping them separated and what about us and are you sure that she will

ng another name, the second I am keeping them separated because I want them to face their own challenges on their own without any help so t

Chand is dark angle so he will look after hell while your c

o handle Roshan when the spell is br

as I said before trust me

I contact with

also matches your r

them and who will be

it will be Logan, gran

she asks god as a child asks for a promi

" God said and she l

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