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Queen of Shadows

Chapter 4 Terms of the Deal

Word Count: 1422    |    Released on: 09/09/2024

hout sacrifice. It was a stark reminder of the world she was trapped in, a world where power was the ultimate currency and everyo

e without asking any questions, but Alessa could feel his concern radiating from the front seat. He had been with h

quiet, too quiet, and the stillness only amplified the storm brewing inside her. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom

ate her, to control every aspect of her life. But Alessa wasn't about to let that happen. She had spent her entire life

ities, a soft knock at the door startled her. S


hands folded nervously in front of her. "Mis

n update on her meeting with Luca. But Alessa wasn't ready to f

moment," Alessa replied, h

sa alone once more. She stood up, straightened her d

ily of

his desk, as usual, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He looked

ng for her to sit. "I trust your m

her expression neutral.

row, clearly intrig

t yet. "Luca and I discussed the terms of our arrangement. He want

does. Luca is a smart man. He knows that this allia

a added quickly,

ered. "Naturally, my dear. You are the key to all of thi

. "Then I want to make something clear, Uncle. If I'm to marry

ou've always been a strong-willed girl, but this isn't a game for you to control. You'll m

Her uncle had always seen her as a pawn, just like her father had. But she

voice cold. "But don't underestimate me. I won

alculating look. For the first time, Alessa saw the true extent of his ambition. He wasn't just looking to

his voice dangerously low. "Just remember, Alessandra-this world

hest. "I know exactly where my loyalties

rage. Her uncle's words had been a warning, but Alessa wasn't afraid. If anything,

erous P

rds still echoed in her mind, reminding her of the deal they had made: control for both of them, but at a pr

She would need to meet with Luca again, but this time, on her terms. If they

Luca, requesting a private meeting. It d


meeting. I'll have the car


t he held all the cards, but he was about to fin


noon. The tall iron gates opened silently as her car approached, and she

xpression. His dark eyes tracked her every move as she entered the room, but A

his voice smooth. "I didn'

r with pleasantries

ly, but he gestured for her

began, her voice steady but firm. "But if you think for one second that

int smirk playing at the e

s, I want real power. Not just the illusion of it. I want a say in every deci

tepped toward her, closing the distance between them

me. You'll lose the support of the Russo family. My uncle may think he's in co

a long moment, Luca said nothing, his gaze intense as he st

t power? You'll have it. But remember this: power is dangerous. It's

defiantly. "I'm not afraid of power, L

ough he had just found a worthy oppo

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