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The pack's two Lunas

Chapter 4 CLARA

Word Count: 2254    |    Released on: 10/09/2024

them the best possible opportunities I could give them and Brad showed them the kind of fatherly love I missed out on. Our kids are well-mannered, polite, and responsible. They don't thr

ver Moon Pack; Alpha Richard's pac

I experienced eight months ago. This pain manages to catch me at random times during the day when random tidbits in the house remind me of my husband, my mate, and the love of my life and all I want to do those days

t from the home they lived in all their lives and take them to a pack they didn't know or care existed. Of course, I was hesitant and I certainly didn't want to leave the home I h

had visited Brad's grave as soon as I woke up. Just seeing his gravestone brought tears to my eyes and it was then that I decided that maybe going to my previous pack might do no good or no harm but I would have to go there to kn

orn. I debated on the merits when I was packing the twins' belongings, debated when all my children threw tantrums and vehemently opposed my idea, and debated its till when I ha

l day all those years ago when I had decided to leave my pack for good. I had run in wolf form

hadn't talked to me in a week. I glance at Kyle, who has been sitting stone-faced in the passe

pon their territory for a short time. Even though no one questioned us, I could still feel the probing eyes of several border wolves, their eyes following us from the moment we entered a pack and left it. I am sure Kyle felt it too because I could sense his wolf shifting insid

go crazy in my stomach, for my wolf to go panting, and for my heart to start beating faster. I breathed a sigh of relief when nothing happened and I gingerly touched the mating mark at the juncture of my neck and left shoulder, thanking the goddess for a very loving mate. Brad's mark had effectively severed any

I see Kyle give me a curious look but I don't look at him. I turn off the ignition and then stare straight out of the windshield, looking at the pack who had been my home for half my life, wanting to see some similarities from the narrow view I had from my car. "Ariel and Ben, stay

as gone amazingly quiet and numb. I may have spent half of my life in this pack bu

ry. In addition to me, they must have also sensed the presence of three extra wolves just outside of their territory. I wanted to show them that I mean

recognize him immediately as Samuel's beta, Aaron Strong. He joins the circle of the wolves around me. His eyes regard the car where my children are sitting and then finally land on me. His eyes widen when he takes in my face, recogni

to this fact, I give him an odd wave. The wolves around me stop growling once they realize that I'm someone their beta recognizes. "How have you been?" Even as I ask this question, I can see t

ugh I was a nerd back when I was in high school, I wasn't a social pariah. I just liked to mind my own business and not interact wi

use after all everything depended on Samuel, if he decided to grant us entry, if he accepted Kyle as his son, something he ha

expression. I turn around to look at my car, knowing that my kids must be pretty anxious to see me like this, surrounded by full

head. I nod at his answer and watch as all the wolves shift to their human forms one by one, as they become certain that I pose no threat to the pack.

after eighteen long years. He comes bounding down the road and my sharp werewolf vision picks up his midnight black coat at once. I see as he ends his run at a trot and stands a good twenty feet away from me, his eyes slowly fixed

car." I look at Aaron questioningly, wondering why he

d as hell about what was happening. Aaron gives a jerky shrug and my eyes swivel to look at

ave you co

uckle nervously and watch as Aaron's eyes glaze over, indicati

ear what you have to say in the privacy of his office. You wi

there. I grew up here after all." I chuckle nervously, unus

se your way, Clara," Aaron says pointedly.

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1 Chapter 1 KYLE2 Chapter 2 CLARA3 Chapter 3 KYLE4 Chapter 4 CLARA5 Chapter 5 KYLE6 Chapter 6 CLARA7 Chapter 7 CLARA8 Chapter 8 CLARA9 Chapter 9 KYLE10 Chapter 10 KYLE11 Chapter 11 CLARA12 Chapter 12 KYLE13 Chapter 13 CLARA14 Chapter 14 CLARA15 Chapter 15 KYLE16 Chapter 16 KYLE17 Chapter 17 CLARA18 Chapter 18 CLARA19 Chapter 19 KYLE20 Chapter 20 KYLE21 Chapter 21 CLARA22 Chapter 22 CLARA23 Chapter 23 KYLE24 Chapter 24 KYLE25 Chapter 25 CLARA26 Chapter 26 CLARA27 Chapter 27 CLARA28 Chapter 28 KYLE29 Chapter 29 KYLE30 Chapter 30 CLARA31 Chapter 31 CLARA32 Chapter 32 KYLE33 Chapter 33 KYLE34 Chapter 34 CLARA35 Chapter 35 KYLE36 Chapter 36 KYLE37 Chapter 37 CLARA38 Chapter 38 CLARA39 Chapter 39 KYLE40 Chapter 40 CLARA41 Chapter 41 CLARA42 Chapter 42 CLARA43 Chapter 43 KYLE44 Chapter 44 KYLE45 Chapter 45 CLARA46 Chapter 46 CLARA47 Chapter 47 KYLE48 Chapter 48 KYLE49 Chapter 49 CLARA50 Chapter 50 CLARA51 Chapter 51 KYLE52 Chapter 52 KYLE53 Chapter 53 KYLE54 Chapter 54 CLARA55 Chapter 55 KYLE56 Chapter 56 CLARA57 Chapter 57 CLARA58 Chapter 58 KYLE59 Chapter 59 KYLE60 Chapter 60 CLARA61 Chapter 61 CLARA62 Chapter 62 KYLE63 Chapter 63 KYLE64 Chapter 64 CLARA65 Chapter 65 CLARA66 Chapter 66 KYLE67 Chapter 67 KYLE68 Chapter 68 KYLE69 Chapter 69 CLARA70 Chapter 70 KYLE71 Chapter 71 CLARA72 Chapter 72 CLARA73 Chapter 73 KYLE74 Chapter 74 CLARA75 Chapter 75 KYLE76 Chapter 76 CLARA77 Chapter 77 KYLE78 Chapter 78 CLARA79 Chapter 79 KYLE80 Chapter 80 CLARA81 Chapter 81 KYLE82 Chapter 82 KYLE83 Chapter 83 CLARA84 Chapter 84 CLARA85 Chapter 85 KYLE86 Chapter 86 CLARA87 Chapter 87 CLARA88 Chapter 88 KYLE89 Chapter 89 KYLE90 Chapter 90 CLARA91 Chapter 91 CLARA92 Chapter 92 KYLE93 Chapter 93 KYLE94 Chapter 94 CLARA95 Chapter 95 CLARA96 Chapter 96 KYLE97 Chapter 97 CLARA98 Chapter 98 CLARA99 Chapter 99 KYLE100 Chapter 100 KYLE