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Maria's Contract Marriage

Chapter 8 The First Breathe of Freedom

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 11/09/2024

r with five members of their gang, all of them holding a loaded gun in their hands, along with their leader, Henderson. The

m holding two briefcases fully loaded with Cocaine in each briefcase. They

ew seconds, he gave them the order to go out. The tinted-haired man came down with his gun, which he grabbed with his two

down. As soon as he stepped on the floor of the old warehouse, they made wa

right-hand side while he progressed to the front also, gazing

l party, but never mind what is important, staring at my p

o hands stylishly telling one of them to bring his tobacco and a lighter. He

again to our great re-union. I promise to n

front step by step. Mr Henderson also gave the same order and one of

un. He had loaded it to take out anyone at a round, he saw the two people approaching ea

he was pregnant, and she was about to give birth, and he forgot to silence his p

so targeting their guns in the direction where Mr Diego was standing. His gun lay down for so

mmediately and treated his wound, then he told him he had to

for many years now. He had promised to help him find his family, but he failed t

ce then, but now he is close to finding them and Maria is t

he fan could speak through the air. She had never looked

shouldn't bring Max along, but instead she should cover him with her blanket and record her voi

e her beautiful red and blue gown, matching the colors of Christmas,

again tonight. Please don't make any noise while I am gone and if anyone tries t

d recorded her voice and she had properly timed it for every hour and min

t with no claws of sound, she was perfect at sneak

ded to be co-operating with him in order to make him drunk, which enabled her to sneak out of the room wi

as already waiting patiently for her. He handed a piece of ca

round tunnel to avoid unnecessary issues. They got to the outside entrance of the tunne

been living with a genius in the mansio

diately. He reminded her to come back befor

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